
Candidate of Physical and mathematical sciences, Assosiate Professor Hasanov  Nazim Eyvaz

He was born on 03.01.1952 in Bilav village of Ordubad region.

In 1969 he graduated from secondary school, in 1975 from the faculty of Physics of   Azerbaijan State University (Baku State University).

In 1975-1977 he worked as a physics teacher at secondary school in Lerik region.

In 1977-1980 he was a post graduate student at the Institute of Physics of ANAS.

In 1980-1992 he   worked in various positions at this institute.




In 1987 he defended his dissertation and received Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics.

He worked as an associate professor in BSICRC in 1996. Since 2000 he has been working as an Associate professor at UNEC.

Now he is Associate Professor of   the department of “Physics and Chemistry”.

He is the author of more than 50 scientific works.

Married, has 2 children.
