PhD in Economics, Abdullayeva Irada Vagif
She was born on April 8, 1973 in Baku
In 1980-1990 she studied at the pilot secondary school № 82 in Narimanov district of Baku.
In 1992-1995 she studied at the Public Political College, majoring in “Accounting, control, analysis of economic activity.”
In 1997-2002 she received a bachelor’s degree in “Economics of education, science and socio-cultural spheres” from the faculty of General Economics of Azerbaijan State University of Economics. In 2007-2010 she received a master’s degree in “Strategic Management” at the Master’s Center of Azerbaijan State University of Economics and graduated with honors.
In 2005-2016 she worked as a marketer on MBA program of Azerbaijan State University of Economics. In 2016-2020, she worked as a program manager at UNEC Business School.
In 2012-2016, she was a candidate for a degree at the Scientific Research and Training Center for Labour and Social Problems of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan . On November 14, 2016 she defended her dissertation on “Socio-economic problems of price formation in the residential real estate market” at the Dissertation Council of Azerbaijan State University of Economics majoring in “Types of economic activity” and on November 1, 2019 She was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics by the decision of (protocol №21-К).