...aiming to make the students’ and collaborators’ spare time more efficient and appropriate material and technical basis and infrastructure has been created. Volleyball and basketball halls of the II academic......
https://unec.edu.az/en//sportRashad Rahim oghlu Maharramov......
https://unec.edu.az/en//meherremov-resad-rehim-kafedra-mudiri-0-5...on critical and significant national development objectives. This cooperation aims to enhance scientific and practical efforts in the field of sustainable development, promoting innovation and knowledge sharing across participating institutions.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-davamli-inkisaf-ve-yasil-iqtisadiyyat-tedqiqat-merkezi-ile-ozbekistanin-dayaniqli-inkisaf-merkezi-arasinda-memorandum-imzalanib...and the UM Institute for Research on Women and Gender, successfully held the Annual International Forum 2024. This significant event brought together over 40 renowned female scholars and researchers from......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-women-researchers-council-hosted-international-forum-2024Director: Nabiyev Najaf Huseyn Contact phone: +(994) 12 440-80-76......
https://unec.edu.az/en//tercume-merkezi...in 1985 and graduated from with honors in 1990. He won the second place at the Union- wide Olympiad on “Organization of economy and production” held among students in 1989.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rector-adalatmuradov...the Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment Committee of the National Assembly and UNEC Associate Professor, discussed the significance of Azerbaijan’s contributions to ecological improvement and highlighted COP 29 expectations. He......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-international-conference-on-green-economy-science-education-technology-and-innovation-has-started-at-unec...technological and intellectual society, in parallel, on the one hand, national and moral values. Turkism, on the other hand, has been inculcated into the society based on multiculturalism, and as......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rim-held-a-round-table-on-development-dynamism-reflections-on-new-ideasHead of Internal audit department: Rashad Huseyn oglu Muradov e-mail: [email protected] Contact: +(994) 12 492-62-15......
https://unec.edu.az/en//internal-audit-departmentCenter for the Assessment of Foreign Language Proficiency......
https://unec.edu.az/en//xarici-dil-uzre-tehsilalanlarin-biliyinin-qiymetlendirilmesi-merkeziDirector: Aziz Zaur Vagif oghlu e-mail: [email protected] phone: +(994) 12 492-59-03; 18-46 (internal: 1511) Deputy Director for Education – Director of UNEC Extern Center: Kamina Jabrayilova e-mail: [email protected] phone: +(994)......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-extern-merkezi...opening, experts delivered presentations and shared their experiences on green and low-carbon policies: Zhang Jianyu (BRIGC) discussed the effectiveness and future potential of China’s carbon trading system. Faiq Mutallimov (Head......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-and-hebei-university-of-economics-and-business-hold-joint-seminar-dedicated-to-cop29Head of the centre: Doctor of phys.scien., prof. R.M. Rzayev Address: II academic bulding of UNEC Contact phone: + (994) 012 564 67 36, 012-492-57-31 Email: [email protected] sayt: unec-cmsrc.com......
https://unec.edu.az/en//kompozit-materiallar-elmi-tedqiqat-merkeziInternational Support Center......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-support-center...enhance student satisfaction, strengthen the “UNEC” brand, and advance the English language proficiency of both faculty and students. He underscored that since its official approval in 2015, the “UNEC” brand......