...the sharp decrease in the number of students applying to “Open Door” as a positive result of the reforms carried out at UNEC. It should be noted that the next......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-rektoru-ve-ictimai-nezaret-surasinin-uzvleri-aciq-qapi-da-telebeleri-dinlediler...and the Advisor to the Rector of the University Imran Mukhtarov. unec.ed.az introduces the interview with Mr. Florent Pratlong of Paris Sorbonne University-Abu Dhabi: You conducted training on “Interactive Education......
https://unec.edu.az/en//paris-sorbon-universiteti-abu-dabi-professoru-unec-muelllimlerinin-boyuk-tecrube-ve-bacarigi-var...are interested in Azerbaijan’s rise and benefit from their rich experiences. Aziz Sancar is exactly one of those. A.Muradov announced that the world-famous scholar would make a speech as the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//nobel-mukafatcisi-aziz-sancar-unec-de...to the military unit, participating in military operations to ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Agaami Heybeov was buried on October 25 in Shahidlar Khiyaban, where he lived in Buzovna......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-telebeleri-sehid-agaemi-heybetovun-ailesini-ziyaret-edibler...tasks towards the higher institutions. Professor F.Alasgarov delivered detailed information about the research project realized by a group of employees from the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” which......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ali-iqtisadiyyat-mektebi-milli-tedqiqat-universitetinin-professoru-adiu-da-muhazire-kecibThe UNEC is included into the “UI Green Metric World University” rankings. The UNEC ranked the 492-nd in the world among 619 the “greenest” universities.Two universities from Azerbaijan were included......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-dunyanin-en-yasil-universitetleri-siyahisinda...visits made. Sh.Bayramov lectured to LUFE personnel on “Global Trends in Higher Education: Internationalization and Multiculturalism” within the trip. Views on the impact of challenges happened in the world’s education......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-cin-universitetleri-ile-emekdasligi-genislendirir...a strong impetus to the development of science in Azerbaijan, access to “Thomson Reuters” will lead to the development of international cooperation and increase the number of publications of local......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-thomson-reuters-in-web-of-science-platformasinin-telimlerine-start-verilib...also member of the prestigious international organizations. Bulent Aybar expressed proud to include UNEC’s name into the list of the universities he worked for: “I worked with UNEC team within......
https://unec.edu.az/en//amerikali-professor-unec-deki-fealiyyetimi-heyatimda-cox-onemli-merhele-hesab-edirem...the number of articles published on the journals included in “Thomson Reuters” indices, the Professors of the Department “Physics and Chemistry” Rovneg Rzayev and Rena Babayeva lead the list. The......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-fakulteler-uzre-illik-xidmeti-fealiyyet-bali-en-yuksek-olan-muellimlerin-reytinqiIn order to strengthen the pedagogical staff potential of UNEC, the V Training program for teachers is launched. The training, which will start on February 10, aims to increase the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-25-fenn-uzre-telim-proqramina-start-verilirDirector of UNEC Library Information Center Abdullayeva Adila Tariyel ......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-kitabxana-informasiya-merkezinin-direktoru-adile-abdullayeva...E- grandstands with the access to the system were installed in the lecture rooms. Rector pointed the paper journals to have been replaced with e- journals. Instructors will be able......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-islahatlar-davam-etdirilecek...the mentioned indicator. According to the rating, the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences is the leader in terms of the number of scientific works with 45%. In general, indicators......
https://unec.edu.az/en//scopus-elmi-nesr-platformasinda-unec-e-mensub-662-elmi-eser-indekslenmisdir-kafedralar-uzre-reytinq...in three categories: research performance (SCOPUS database), access to innovation and impact on society. UNEC ranks 399th in the world in terms of research performance, 443rd in terms of access......