...III place by United States of Kurdemir” (ADA). Note that, the Student Intellectual Championship “Friendship Cup” will regularly be organized and the number of the participant universities will be increased.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//dostluq-kuboku-nun-qalibi-belli-oldu...related to the “Open door” day, pointed out that the number of appeals this year decreased significantly in comparison with the previous years, and appreciated it as the positive outcome......
https://unec.edu.az/en//sura-uzvleri-muracetlerin-azligi-tedrisin-keyfiyyetinden-xeber-verir...observed in the number of scientific works of the UNEC academic staff in the Web of Science. About 56% of the scientific works (77 works) included in the Web of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-ugurla-kecirilmis-novbeti-elm-ayligi-na-yekun-vurdu...the rector said that Azerbaijan State University of Economics possesses an extensive international network of double diploma programs, including world-wide famous universities such as LSE (England), Monpelye (France). Noting that......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-ege-universiteti-ile-emedasliga-start-verdi...Within the debates, it was suggested to combine the majors of World Economy, “Commerce, Organization and Administration of Industry under the title of Economics and to reduce the number of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//iqtisadiyyat-ve-idareetme-ixtisas-qruplari-uzre-yeni-qaydalar-hazirlanir...groups in the new academic year. The applicants, who choose the I specialty group will be able to get the on-campus education in the field of information technology. The number......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-tuition-fees-were-reduced-in-the-zagatala-branch-of-unecVice-rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) for International Affairs and Programs Shahin Bayramov made an extensive presentation on “Azerbaijan’s Model of Higher Education” at the State University of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//pensilvaniya-dovlet-universitetinde-azerbaycanin-ali-tehsil-modeli-movzusunda-teqdimat-kecirilib...number of references as factors that negatively affect the popularization of science. The academician noted that in order to increase efficiency in this field, work should be carried out in......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-muzakire-azerbaycanda-elmin-populyarlasdirilmasi-modeli...a series of innovations were implemented within the winter exam session. Thus, exams of SABAH Center and the International School of Economics were managed in a centralized manner. The indicator......
https://unec.edu.az/en//imtahan-prosesini-cemiyyete-etibar-eden-universitet-unec...the school number 212, in Baku. In 2014, he entered the Business and Management faculty of UNEC. Currently, he is studying the major of management. Being engaged in such sport......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-istedadlari-best-model-of-azerbaijan-2017-qalibiActing Head of the Department: Dr of H., Prof. Hasanov Vakil Safiyar Address: H. Aliyev Street, 135, Baku (2st building) Telephone: +(994) 12 564-40-07 * Student Scientific Conference: “Combination of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//humanitarian-disciplines...education in the specialty of finance at the International Economics School (İSE) of the UNEC. B. Gurbanova, stressed that, there were UNEC students among the graduates of the school she......
https://unec.edu.az/en//onlar-unec-i-secir...been launched in a number of educational institutions of the republic. In addition, the SABAH Groups initiated by the Ministry of Education are performing in different higher education institutions. The......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yunanistanda-unec-le-qerbi-makedoniya-texnologiya-tehsil-institutu-arasinda-imzalanan-memorandumun-resmi-acilis-merasimi-kecirilibA number of issues, such as enhancing the functioning of university libraries in the education system, making them more open and accessible to students and researchers, integration of their resources......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rektor-teklif-edir...moved to Sumgayit. He continued his secondary education at secondary school number 3 in Sumgayit. In 2015, he was admitted to the “Economics” specialty of the Russian School of Economics......