Candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer, . Gurbanov Sadig Hagverdi...... Rahim oghlu Maharramov...... the first Azerbaijani scientist to receive the Humboldt Prize, Honored Scientist, Professor of the Technical University of Munich, Germany with the organization of the Ministry of Science and Education...... Munich in Germany. It was noted that the main reason for opening the university in Kutaisi is to stimulate the development of that region. It was noted that a...... Dynamic Systems Department at Helmholtz Scientific Research Center, located in Munich, Germany, was awarded the international “Humboldt” Award as the only Azerbaijani scientist. The rector talked about the work...... joint “EE-KEY-AZ Project. Entrepreneurship Education: A Key to Job Creation and Employability in Azerbaijan” Project of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) and the University of Siegen of Germany......, Germany, Italy, Sweden, France, Turkey, Russia and other countries. At the same time, heads of government agencies, leading companies, the business world, leading specialists are involved in training. 20%...... honorary head of the centre: Dr.Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada Address: The first academic building of UNEC Phone: +(994) 12 492-57-31 e-mail: [email protected]...... school was organized at UNEC for students of the University of Siegen in Germany with the support of DAAD, and a teacher-student exchange was carried out. Then the views...... Azerbaijan and Savings Fund on International Cooperation of Germany have been announced a joint Award Competition on “Young Scholars and Financial Literacy” on the occasion of the “February 2-...... of the document for the exchange of professor-teaching staff for 2014-2015 academic years within “Mevlana Exchange Program” realized in accordance with the contract signed by the Ministry of Higher...... Siegen, Germany has been held. UNEC’s delegation also attended the event held at the University of Siegen. Opening the ceremony, the Department Director of the University of Siegen, German......” after such countries as Germany, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey, has introduced innovations in the contest this year. So that, along with other faculties, the students of the...... of the centre: Doctor of phys.scien., prof. R.M. Rzayev Address: II academic bulding of UNEC Contact phone: + (994) 012 564 67 36, 012-492-57-31 Email: [email protected] sayt:, as well as his youth after moving to Baku. they said that he loves his country as much as his family. The students, who listened with interest about Mikhail,......