...education institutions of fraternal country Mevlana Exchange Program funded by the Turkish government in 2016/2017 academic year. The number of the students who got the right to take part in......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-telebe-ve-muellimleri-beynelxalq-mubadile-proqramlarinda...the QS rating list. She noted that the QS rating is determined by the academic reputation, the ratio of university teachers to students, references to articles, the number of articles......
https://unec.edu.az/en//qs-resmisi-unec-de-rektorlara-beynelxalq-reytinqin-olke-universitetleri-ucun-inkisaf-imkanlarini-aciqlayib...stressing their desire to participate in the winter examination session, the pupils said that the “One day at UNEC” project was an increadible opportunity for propspective university student. Wishing to......
https://unec.edu.az/en//mektebliler-unec-de-bir-gun-abituriyentler-ucun-inanilmaz-fursetdir...Chairman will be elected by a secret ballot for two years. The number of the Executive Board members will be equal to the number of the faculties. In case of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-telebe-klubu-600...a military family. In 1991-1998, he studied at secondary school number 278 in Surakhani district, and in 1998-2001 at school-high school number 72 in Sabunchu district. In 2001, Mikhail Hamidov......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-sehid-mixail-hemidovun-ailesini-ziyaret-edibDoctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Sultanova Rana Polad......
https://unec.edu.az/en//i-e-d-prof-sultanova-rena-polad...do you evaluate the totals of 2014/2016 academic year? – Azerbaijan State University of Economics Scientific Council’s last session took place some days ago and we discussed the totals of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//adiu-nun-rektoru-kim-isteyirse-universitetde-imtahan-sessiyasini-izleye-biler-musahibe...in 2021/2022 academic year № Specialties Number of students per course Total I II III IV V VI and more 1. Finance (Azerbaijani sector) 32 58 64 59 59 14......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-martyrsBy October 2023, 266 scientific works belonging to UNEC have been indexed in the Scopus database. This indicator is the highest number compared to previous years. The number of references......
https://unec.edu.az/en//scopus-platformasinda-unec-e-mexsus-266-elmi-eser-indekslenibFrom 19.10.2020, the departments of “Expertise of consumer goods”, “Standardization and Certification” and their teaching-methodological laboratories under them were abolished. The departments of “Expertise of consumer goods”, “Standardization and certification”,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//standardization-and-certification...of UNEC and ADA University will cooperate (22.02.2016) The Public Association “Support to Economist Students’ Scientific Activity” has been registered (11.02.2016) The Public Association “Support to Economic Students’ Scientific Activity”......
https://unec.edu.az/en//public-association-support-to-economist-students-scientific-activities...programs, recognizing the equivalence of diplomas, etc. 60 universities that applied to TURKUNIB were accepted as members of the union, and thus the number of members was increased to 109.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-sedrliyi-ile-turk-universitetler-birliyinin-7-ci-bas-assambleyasi-kecirilibMeetings with deans of faculties have been kicked off in order to increase the prestige of UNEC in the international arena, to further increase its competitiveness During the meetings chaired......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-fakultelerin-inkisaf-strategiyalari-barede-muzakireler-aparilir...made to increase the number of majors, it was said that the student admission on Tourism and Hotel Business will be realized from the new academic year. To increase the......