Head of the chair: Cand.of E. Sc., assoc. prof. Abbasova Sevinj Aghamammad

Address: Baku, H.Aliyev str., 135 (2 campus)
Telephone: +(994) 12 564-37-10;
+(994) 12 564-67-98
E-mail: sevinjabbasova@ unec.edu.az

News of the “Economics” (Russian speaking) chair at UNEC NEWS

About the chair

According to the decision of the meeting of the Scientific Council of UNEC on September 16, the name of the department “Economics” (in Russian) was changed to “Applied economics” department.


One of the main focus points of the fundamental reforms, with the purpose of enhancing the international competitiveness of UNEC in the system of Global Higher Education, the Russian School of Economics was inaugurated in 2016. The Department of Economics was established at the Russian School of Economics, which currenlty offers the training of specialists, bachelors in Russian, in terms of the decision of the UNEC Academic Council of February 28, 2017 No. EŞ-150, and upon the instructions of the rector, No. 206/3/2017 of April 4, 2017.

The main motivation behind the establishing of the Department of Economics of the Russian School of Economics is integration into the Russian-speaking educational space, and the enjoying the benefits thereof.

Educational and teaching activities of the department

At the Department of Economics, bachelors are trained in nine majors, being “Finance”,”Accounting and Audit”, “Economics”, “World Economy”, “Commerce”, “Management”, “Marketing”, “Business administration”, and “Organization of industry and economy”. As of the 2020/2021 academic year, the training of specialists in the specialty “International trade and logistics”, “Social affair” commenced.  

Some of the staff members of the department are graduates of foreign universities, and several lecturers hold doctoral degrees. Some completed postgraduate studies at universities of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, where they defended their dissertations in the course of their scientific studies.

The department has created an effective and flexible management structure. As part of their job description, the heads of departments are responsible for the equal distribution of the teaching load between lecturers, the compiling of individual workplans, and syllabuses that meet modern requirements in various disciplines. This also includes the implementation of state budget research in graduate papers, as well as the passage of industrial practice, amongst others.

The pursuit of the department is aimed at continuous development of the quality of education. This includes the coordination of open lessons for the lecturing staff. The faculty focuses on a creating a favorable environment in which young lecturers can attend lessons as presented by experienced, leading lecturers of the department. The facilitation of scientific seminars and round table meetings, creative discussions, the invitation of brand managers, marketers, accountants, and auditors of various well-known firms, the leading specialists of commercial banks, and officials of state organizations, to conduct interesting lectures for students, as well as the organizing of debates are part of what the faculty offers.

Moreover, within the framework of the quality management system at the Department of  Economics.

Economics, was created a special control commission, consisting of experienced lecturers and managers of specialties, in order to supervise and monitor the quality of all classes presented.

Lecturers of the Department of Economics regularly improve their knowledge, and stay up to date by participating in training sessions, seminars, and webinars in various specialties.  This is done as part of the implementation of the double degree program with the National Research University of the Russian Higher School of Economics, the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics at the bachelor’s level at UNEC, and others.

The lecturers at the Department of Economics actively participate in various international endeavors. The most prominent of these, are “Mevlana” and “Erasmus +”.

Research activity:

The results of research work done at the the faculty of the Department of Economics in finance, accounting, audit, taxes and taxation, management, marketing, commercial business, and other areas, are included in scientific articles, and discussed and conferences. These conferences are held within the republic, as well as abroad. Research done by members of the faculty is furthermore discussed at symposiums, and indexed in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science.

As part of the operations of the department, the lecturing staff publish tutorials, policies about teaching aids, as well as training manuals. Other materials, which are published by the department include monographs, a large number of scientific articles, and materials to be used at congresses. Authoritative publications included in scientific platforms known as Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) are also issued. Ten employees of the department in the 2017/2018 academic year, sixteen employees in the 2018/2019 academic year, and six employees in the 2019/2020 academic year, were included in the top-100 of UNEC’s differentiated salary rating. This part of the faculty of the department is systematically rewarded by the management for the publication of scientific papers in prestigious scientific publications.

One of the main aims of the scientific activity of the Department of Economics is to inspire students to indulge in scientific research, which is indeed, reflected in the relevance of the topics, which are addressed in graduation works.

The efficiency of the staff of the department, together with the dynamic leadership of the faculty, attract a large number of students to do scientific research, despite the current challenges. This leads to participation in republican scientific student conferences, regularly organized at UNEC.

The faculty of the Department of Economics is strongly focused on establishing relations with a number of foreign universities. Therefore, based on agreement No. D-2843/7, as concluded between the representatives of the Russian School of Economics UNEC and the representatives of the Institute of Economics and Management at the Belgorod National Research University, during November 16, 2017, an approach which was agreed upon by Belgorod National Research University and UNEC. The main reason for this, was to create an East European scientific and educational cluster, with the purpose of strengthening overlapping structural ties in the field of science, education and culture, in order to organize and conduct joint scientific, educational, cultural events and projects.

This vision called for the conducting of joint research by doctoral students of both partner universities. It also requires organization of online lectures for students, preparation and implementation of research programs and projects in economics and management, mutually beneficial exchange of the results of research activities, the organization of joint symposia, seminars and conferences, the joint activities within the framework of the international laboratory “Spatial Economics and Digital Transformation”, as well as the publication of scientific publications. The latter includes, but is not limited to, monographs, textbooks, and articles.

The department successfully established relations with the lecturing staff of various universities, and these partnerships are expanded on continuously. Currently, these universities include the Russian University of Economics, named after G.V. Plekhanov, the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, the National University of Kyiv, and Astrakhan State University, as well as others.

Simultaneously, the vision and mission of UNEC incorporate the expansion of collaboration with leading foreign universities, in the field of economic research.

Social activities

The faculty of “Economics” department successfully implements various areas of social activity. Thus, in order to attract applicants to UNEC, campaigning work is carried out annually in secondary schools and colleges.   Professors and leading teachers of the Department of Economics regularly appear on national television channels, in the media, with interesting information about achievements and problems in various areas of the national and world economy.
At the department, with the aim of rational and effective use of students’ extracurricular time, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, increasing their social responsibility, as well as eliminating some problems arising in the learning process, 35 teachers carries out mentoring activities covering 79 groups of the UNEC Russian School of Economics.

A group of mentors from Department of Economics’, together with students, within the framework of the social projekt “There are no other children,” participate in charity events and visit the “Center for Shelter and Rehabilitation of Children at the Union of Children of Azerbaijan.”

  In addition, the focus of department’s leadership is concentrated on  the work of student scientific circles. Taking into account the interests and needs of students of the Russian School of  Economics, there are 10 active student scientific circles in various specialties with the coordination of the teachers of the department.
The Department of Economics in its activities is guided by the main goals of the “Development Strategy of  UNEC-100”. In accordance with the provisions of the UNEC-100 Development Strategy, the main directions of the strategic development plan of the Department of Economics are:
Teaching and learning (in accordance with strategic objectives 1.2; 1.3; 1.5; 1.6; 2.1)

  • Preparation of updated syllabuses, lecture materials, teaching aids and textbooks on specialties that meet modern requirements and new trends (especially in the process of distance teaching, with a new form of teaching);
  • Preparation of recommendations for the opening of new specialties that meet the requirements of the international and local labor market in post-pandemic and digital economy;
  • Rejuvenation of the teaching staff of the department, focusing the attention of young teachers on distance learning, regularly directing their innovative, creative thinking to the problems that arise in this area;
  • Popularization of the use of modern technologies, the most advanced scientific achievements and innovative teaching methods and their application to train a new generation of more flexible and competitive specialists;
  • Attracting graduates of leading foreign universities; an increase in the proportion of foreign specialists, including “guest professors” and “guest associate professors”, in the teaching staff.

Scientific activity (in accordance with strategic objectives 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4):

  • Determination of research topics of the Department of Economics, in the digital economy and post-pandemic period, for the short, medium and long term;
    Systematization of participation in research and innovation projects implemented at the national, regional and international levels; wide involvement of young teachers in this research;
  • Ensuring the use of research results in the activities of state organizations and enterprises, business structures and other interested objects (on a paid basis, under a contract concluded by UNEC);
  • Increasing research, methodological and publication activities of scientific and pedagogical workers of the department; active involvement of students and doctoral students of the department in this work;
  • Maximizing the number of scientific articles in the most authoritative publications included in the scientific platforms Web of Science, Scopus and RSCI;
  • Increase in the number of “research professors,” “research associate professors,” research teachers” in the department;
  • Formation and development of research approach in students, taking into account modern challenges;
  • Intensification of close cooperation with leading domestic economic universities and foreign research centers.

Directions of social, social development and self-development (in accordance with strategic goals 1.1; 1.6; 4; 4.4):

  • Adoption of systemic and comprehensive measures to improve the qualifications of the department staff and their professional development;
  • Study, generalization and dissemination by young teachers of the scientific and pedagogical experience of the most professional and leading teachers of the department;
  • Attracting more teachers of the Department of Economics to international exchange programs;
  • Development of professionally oriented programs with the aim of attracting applicants to UNEC and, in this regard, strengthening campaigning in secondary schools and colleges;
  • Organization of joint activities and cooperation in its various areas of talented students with the teaching staff, etc.
  • Ensuring the active participation of teachers of the department in the implementation of UNEC social responsibility projects, including improving the social conditions of students, widespread promotion of patriotic and multicultural values ​​among them, etc .;
  • Further expansion of cooperation with representatives of the public and private sectors;

Creation and development of intensive contacts with graduates of the Department of Economics through electronic resources.


The structure of the chair “Economics”

Teaching staff:

1. Abbasova Sevinj Agamamed
Head of the Department
Can. of Econ., assos. prof. 0.5
2. Azizova Gulenber Arif Doc. of  Econ.Scien., prof. 1
3. Kerimov Atik Ehsan Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 1
4. Abasova Samira Tahmaz Can. of Econ.Scien, as. prof. 1
5.  Amanova Lala Samedagha Can. of Econ.Scien, as. prof. 1
6. Mikailzade Gulnara Shukur Can. of Econ.Scien, as. prof. 1
7. Javadova Mehriban Alim Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
8. Khanlarzade Sarvinaz Mammadhasan Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
9. Kasieva Laman Aydin PhD in Econ.,  as. prof. 1
10. Mehdieva Irada Sharafeddin Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
11. Novruzova Zenfira Ramiz Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
12. Babayev Azer  Alim Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
13. Samedova Mehriban Tofik
Head of the specialty
Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
14. Alikhanova Leila Huseyn Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
15. Huseynova Shakhla Akif
Head of the specialty
Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
16. Samedova Elnara Robert Doc. of Ph. in Ec., as. prof. 1

Hamidova Lala Adil
Head of the specialty

As., Cand. of Ec. Scien. 1
18.  Bayramova Sevinj Rafiq Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 1
19. Tagieva Nigar Sabir Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 1
20. Gojayeva Elmira Mohammadovna Doc. of Phil. in Econ., as.prof. 1
21. Kurbanov Natig Huseyn Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 0.5
22. Guliyev Eldar Nadir Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 0.25
23. Mammadova Aida Kasymova Can. of Econ.Scien, as.prof. 0.5
24. Hajiyeva Leila Arif Can. of Econ.Scien., as.prof. 0.5
25. Barkhudarov Mansur Isa
Head of RES
Can. of Econ.Scien, as.prof. 1
26. Akperov Rovshan Mamed Can. of Ec.Scien., as. prof. 0.5
27. Aliyeva Naila Rauf Can. of Ec.Scien, ass. prof. 1
28. Javadov Ramiz Javad PhD in Econ., as. prof.. 1
29. Aliyeva Mehriban Shaban
Head of the specialty
Can. of Econ., as. prof. 1
30. Salayev Rauf Arif Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
31. Gubadova Aybeniz Anver Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
 32. Akhundova Naila Faris Can. of Ec.Sc., as. prof.,  1
33. Babashirinova Esmira Mamedshirin PhD in Econ., assos. prof. 1
34. Babayeva Saida Djabi Can. of Econ.Scien., as. prof. 1
35. Huseynova Vafa Arif

As. Prof., Dr. of Phil. in Ec.

36. Ashurbeyli-Huseynova Nigar Pirverdi As. Prof., Dr. of Phil. in Ec. 1
37. Sadigov Mustafa Mammadsadig Can. of Ec.Scien., as. prof. 0.5
38. Gushkhani Rauf  Nasir Can. of Econ., assos. prof. 0.5
39. Agabekova Gulnara Sucraddin Can. of Ec.Scien., as. prof. 1
40. Mammadova Sevda Kerim PhD in Econ.,  Head teacher 1
41. Askerova Fidan Alinazim Doc. of  Econ.Scien., H/ t 1
42. Damirov Yashar Raphael Doc. of  Econ.Scien., h/t 1
43. Gasymova Lala Farman Doc. of  Econ.Scien., h/t 1
44. Kerimova Tahira Huseyn Head teacher 1
45. Muradova Sabina Khalig Head teacher 1
46. Najafova Zumrud Bieber Head teacher 1
47. Huseynova Leila Nizameddin Doc. of  Econ.Scien., h/t 1
48. Jafarova Dunyakhanim Aqakazim  Head teacher 0.25
49. Mammadova Svetlana Evgenyevna Head teacher 1
50.  Mamedova Leila Vagif PhD in Econ.,  Lecturer 1
51. Rahmanli Farah Polad Lecturer 1
52. Ahmadova Esmira Mirmammed Doc. of  Ec.Sc., Lecturer 1
53. Huseynova Nazira Yunus Doc. of  Ec.Sc., Lecturer 0.75
54. Alizade Gunay Intigam Lecturer 0.75
55. Aliyeva Rugiyya Oktay Lecturer 0.75
56. Namazova Lala  Sakit Doc. of  Ec.Sc., Lecturer 0.5
57. Gadgikaibova Aliya Shair Lecturer 0.5

Aliyeva Saadat Huseyn

Lecturer 0.5


59. Rahmanov Farhad Panah

advisor – professor



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