In order to maintain the student environment during the application of distance education during the quarantine period, to establish a live connection with the deans, to continue the dean-student relations directly all UNEC deans have met with students of their faculties live on Facebook.
Students’ questions were answered during the live broadcasts organized by the deans of all faculties for bachelors and masters. The students’ questions were mainly related to the organization of exams, free topics, colloquiums, writing diploma work. It is gratifying that the students said that there were no problems in organizing and teaching distance learning at home. Contacts have also been established with students participating in UNEC exchange and dual degree programs and currently living abroad. They said that their condition is normal.
During the live broadcast, the deans were also interested in the social status of students. It was noted that UNEC STUC transferred money to the smart cards of students belonging to socially vulnerable groups.
A virtual dean’s office has been set up at UNEC to ensure the continuity of the work of the faculties at UNEC. There are regular online discussions with department heads, teachers and staff. Faculty secretariats, mentors promptly respond to teachers and students’ requests and promptly eliminate any problems that may arise. Students are provided with relevant applications by applying to the “One Window” service 24/7 online.