...said today for the first time among the universities of higher education institutions of Azerbaijan education system the ceremony of signing the “Teaching Staff’s Ethical Guidelines” by the Ministry of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-genc-muellimleri-and-icdi...party passing through the difficult and honourable path within 25 years had become the strongest party of Azerbaijan today. He stated that the hundred thousands people consolidated in the ranks......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yap-siralarinda-birlesen-yuz-minlerle-insan-ulu-onderin-olmez-ideyalarinin-davamcilaridir...education and social fields for 2024-2025 was prepared and presented to the General Assembly of TURKUNIB. Professor Adalat Muradov spoke about the importance of holding discussions on the status of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-sedrliyi-ile-turk-universitetler-birliyinin-7-ci-bas-assambleyasi-kecirilib...country, important successes have been achieved in recent years, illegal circulation of drugs, psychotropic substances and drug addiction are among the main problems that concern the world today. At the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//a-seminar-on-anti-drug-addiction-was-held-at-the-faculty-of-economics-and-managementEmployees of the Psychological Service Center of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) held a training for students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting on the topic “No......
https://unec.edu.az/en//a-training-on-no-to-narcotics-and-psychotropic-substances-was-held-at-the-faculty-of-finance-and-accounting...on the preparations for the 2024/2025 winter examination session. He announced that exams for specialized courses would be conducted in an electronic written format, while non-specialized courses would use a......
https://unec.edu.az/en//elmi-surada-yeni-qerarlar-qebul-edilibThe next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at UNEC. Associate Professor Geray Musayev, vice-rector for education at the Scientific Council, reported on the results of admission to UNEC......
https://unec.edu.az/en//reports-on-the-results-of-admission-to-unec-were-heard-at-the-scientific-councilDirector: Davud Rasim oghlu Davudov Telephone: (+994 12) 493-17-83 ; 493-24-00 “Science month” has continued in the Financial-Economics College (06.11.2017) “National Statehood and Modernity” (26.05.2017) Heydar Aliyev and the National......
https://unec.edu.az/en//maliyye-iqtisad-kolleciArabi Asadullah Seyyed Hadi oghlu Address: III educational building, room B28......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-reqemsal-konulluler-teskilatiOn May 23-26, 2024, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Heydar Aliyev Center, International Master’s and Doctorate Center, organized by “Regional Development” Public Union and the main sponsor of Pasha......
https://unec.edu.az/en//an-international-conference-dedicated-to-sustainable-development-green-transformation-and-climate-financing-will-be-heldThe last Scientific Council meeting of 2023 was held at UNEC. Before the speeches, the Rector of UNEC, Professor Adalat Muradov, introduced Associate Professor Fariz Ahmadov, newly appointed to the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//new-decisions-were-made-at-the-last-meeting-of-the-scientific-council...of the “Physics and Chemistry” Department at UNEC. From 2020 to 2024, he held the position of Head of the “Engineering and Applied Sciences” Department at UNEC. Since 2024, he......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rzayev-rovnag-mirza...Contact phone: +(994) 12 492-60-45 e-mail: [email protected] RUR World University Rankings News of the Department of International Cooperation (2015-2018) UNEC Climate Action Plan 2023 UNEC Climate Action Plan – 2024_com......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-relations-departmentDirector: PhD in Economy Rzayeva Inara Rza Address: Baku, Istiglaliyet Street 6 (I building) Telephone:+(994) 12 437-10-83 +(994) 12 492-59-03 (11-57) e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Director: Telephone:+(994) 12 492-60-91 +(994) 12......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-school-of-economicsCenter Director: Prof. Khalilov Elchin Nusrat Location: UNEC Main Campus, Istiglaliyyat Street 6, Baku Contact tel: +(994) 12 492-57-31 e-mail:......