...rector said that UNEC is constantly working on improving teaching. Noting that A.Rzayev was given the relevant assignments in this field, the rector said that a number of innovations would......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-tedris-ve-telim-texnologiyalari-uzre-prorektor-vezifesine-anar-rzayev-teyin-olunub...is in relation with the “Higher School of Economics” of the National Research University of Russia since April 2015. A number of successful projects have been realized within the contract......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-rusiyanin-tedqiqat-universiteti-ali-iqtisad-mektebi-nde-tecrube-kecirler...the pupils of Technical and Humanitarian Sciences Lyceum number 2 named after H.Mahmudbeyov operating under UNEC. The director of Distance, Correspondence and Additional Professional Center Sabuhi Tanrıverdiyev congratulating the pupils......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-den-mekteblilere-kitab-sevinci...to 18:00 by online voting in students’ personal offices. The voting process will be broadcast live on UNEC’s official YouTube channel. For additional information: (+994 12) 492-59-03 (ext. number: 15-07)......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-telebe-rektor-ve-telebe-teskilatlarina-sedr-seckilerine-start-verilirThe next “Open Door” day has been held at UNEC. Together with the rector, Professor Adalat Muradov, members of the Public Supervisory Board Council of UNEC, MP Arzu Nagiyev, General......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-rektoru-ve-ictimai-nezaret-surasinin-uzvleri-aciq-qapi-da-telebeleri-dinlediler...views on a number of skills were obtained. Detailed information about the methodology of the transition of teacher based training to a student-oriented training has been delivered within the period.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//paris-sorbon-universiteti-abu-dabi-professoru-unec-muelllimlerinin-boyuk-tecrube-ve-bacarigi-var...US of Turkish origin Aziz Sancar has been held at UNEC on June 1. A film about the scholar’s life and activities was demonstrated at the conference. UNEC Rector, Professor......
https://unec.edu.az/en//nobel-mukafatcisi-aziz-sancar-unec-de...he was admitted to the “Tourism and Hotel Management” specialty of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics. He said that he was awarded with a number of certificates for his......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-telebeleri-sehid-agaemi-heybetovun-ailesini-ziyaret-edibler...demand for individual specialties, determining the specific weight of the optimal number of students in different specialties and aligning the educational process with the labor market are the most important......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ali-iqtisadiyyat-mektebi-milli-tedqiqat-universitetinin-professoru-adiu-da-muhazire-kecib...the campus, the teaching courses on ecological issues, the number of the published scientific articles. The international rating system includes the leading universities of the Great Britain, the USA, Turkey......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-dunyanin-en-yasil-universitetleri-siyahisinda...of Economics In 2018, Russian Higher School of Economics was ranked among the 3 most popular universities in Russia. The university has more than 40,000 students and graduate students, and......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ikili-diplomlar...(public, private cars or bicycles) in the high school, organization of training courses on environmental problems, availability of research funds to study environmental problems, the number of published scientific articles......
https://unec.edu.az/en//dunyada-432-ci-azerbaycanda-1-ci-unec...The enemy has consistently carried out military, ideological and organizational measures in order to realize this disgraceful idea. The centuries-old history of our people has been brutally distorted, our nation......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-31-mart-azerbaycanlilarin-soyqirimi-gunu-ile-elaqedar-tedbir-kecirilib...document circulation has been increased twice in compare with the previous years. The electronic documentation system has minimized paper usage at the university. Bringing to attention that currently 95 structural......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-docnet-istifadecileri-ucun-treninqlerCand.of Econ. Scien., Assoc. Prof., Manafov Bahadur Nadir......