...today’s meeting, the applications of 60 universities regarding membership will be considered and issues important for the future activity of the union will be discussed. The Secretary General of the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-sedrliyi-ile-turk-universitetler-birliyinin-7-ci-bas-assambleyasi-kecirilib...payments. Today the differentiated payment system based on the academic staff members’ activities is applied in different countries’ universities, including the USA and Europe, as well as in many universities......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-den-olkede-ali-tehsilin-modernlesdirilmesi-prosesine-muhum-tohfe...the fate of independence is preserved and developed. Equal attention is paid to the intensification of the statehood, economic development and the preservation of the national and moral values. Today,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-musteqillik-gunu-qeyd-olunub...in order to increase the interest of young people in reading and to form a reading culture. A.Muradov spoke about the importance of teaching the society to read books: “Today,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-taninmis-ziyalilarin-istiraki-ile-oxu-medeniyyeti-layihesine-start-verildi...university had held seminars of specialized research centers created to stimulate scientific activity within the framework of Science Week. The rector who said that today’s event was dedicated to the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bir-kemer-bir-yol-azerbaycan-iqtisadiyyati-ucun-neler-ved-edir-aztv...an active part in the battles shared his memories: “Today, here, once again, I have rememebered with great pride hoisting our tricolor flag on the liberated lands of Horadiz”. M.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-kollektivi-on-cebhede...particular had identified the sustainable and strategic development directions. The field of education, approached with special care and attention by Heydar Aliyev is today growing steadily with the political line......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-leading-teacher-leading-university-project-has-been-launched...is the biggest platform organized on “Sustainable Development”. Members of “Oikos Baku” presented a promo video of UNEC prepared in English. The President of “Oikos Baku”, the IV year undergraduate......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-futurelab-2016-konfransinda-temsil-olunub...Kong University, Indian School of Business, HEC Paris School of Management, University of Colorado, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, University of Los Andes of Colombia, Pontifical Catholic University......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-rektorundan-yeni-tesebbus-coursera-sertifikati-qazan-imtahandan-azad-ol...in Scopus. Along with Azerbaijan, scientists from the People’s Republic of China, Russia, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Colombia, Belarus and Moldova are represented in the scientific committee of the international conference.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-alimi-beynelxalq-konfransin-elmi-komitesine-uzv-secilib...about 200 articles from 15 countries have been submitted including Britain, Portugal, Serbia, Israel, Lithuania, Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary, Colombia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and Uzbekistan to the international conference.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//reqemsal-iqtisadiyyat-muasir-cagirislar-ve-real-imkanlar-movzusunda-ii-beynelxalq-konfrans-ise-baslayib...exhibition of S.Jafarli were organized in Belgium, Turkey, France and Iran. His caricatures were exhibited in the international competitions held in China, Colombia, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Japan and other countries.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bmt-nin-xususi-mukafatina-layiq-gorulen-ressam...University, Univeristy of Virginia, Hong Kong University, Indian School of Business, HEC Paris School of Management, University of Colorado, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, University of Los Andes......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-novbeti-yenilikAliyeva Tarana Ilyas......
https://unec.edu.az/en//eliyeva-terane-ilyasCandidate of geography., Associate Professor Khalilov Ilgar Beylar......