Admission rules for international students at UNEC......“PsixoSen” online psychologist and founder of self-development company Kanan Zarbiyev, “PsixoSen” online psychologist and manager of educational projects of the self-development company Lala Bilalova. The guests of the event talked...... of students were made electronically. It was noted that full convenience of students had been taken into account in the electronic software, they could listen to lessons online from...... doc.of tech.phil. Jafarov Elman Novruz oglu Telephone: +(994) 12 492-59-03 (13-20) e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Dean: Jabbarov Ramal Rasim oglu Телефон:+(994) 12 492-59-03 (13-29)...... of Azerbaijan. Admission to the continuous higher education is realized online. Candidates who require receiving the above mentioned specialties should submit their documents online and they will get the...... innovations that would be applied in the organization of online classes for students. He answered questions about attendance in online classes, colloquia, free topics, organization of exams. The rector...... University had been launched to bring adaptive education to the region, that UNEC would conduct non-specialized courses online and specialty subjects offline, and Turkey’s experience in mentoring as a...... order to implement the decisions of UNEC’s Scientific Council from the online meetings dated May 31, 2020 (No. SC-172) and September 14, 2020 (No. SC-173), the Faculty of Technology...... Khalilli Ayten Zakir...... Emiliya Oktay...... able to find answers to the educational process, qualifications, passing scores, tuition fees, and other questions that interest them. At the same time, they will get advice on the...... Hajiyev Hafis Ahmad oglu * Contact phone: +(994) 12 492-57-38 +(994) 12 492-59-03 (12-05) Deputy Dean: Cand. of Econ., Assoc.Prof. Garayev Azer Islam Contact phone: +(994) 12 492-77-31 Secretary...... the attention of wishing to get MBA education in line with the international standards! The MBA program of the UNEC Business School announces the master’s degree course enrollment for...... of SYO Amin Talibzade Phone number: 492-66-31...... to listen to other disciplines in the next few days. Those who want to participate in the “One day at UNEC” project can call the phone number 492-60-43 or......