Head of the center temporarily:
Deputy Head:
In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the meeting of the Scientific Council of UNEC on May 31, 2022, the Master’s Center was abolished and has been merged into the International Master’s and Doctorate Center since 02.09.2022.
From 15.09.2020, in order to eliminate parallelism and increase efficiency in the management of UNEC, the Doctoral Department was included in the structure of the International Center for Master’s and Doctoral Studies.
According to the Decree of the Scientific Council of the Azerbaijan State Economic University on June 29, 2015, the International Magistrate and Doctorate Center (IMDC) has been established to upgrade the training of masters and doctoral students based on the Western education system. The Center’s Regulations on teaching, training, and exam have been approved by the Academic Council of UNEC.
The main purpose of the center is to prepare specialists who meet the modern requirements of UNEC. It is also planned to attract training staff of foreign universities to the teaching process at the International Masters and Doctorate Center. In the Center, the teaching process is provided in 4 languages – Azerbaijani, English, Russian and Turkish.
Currently, 11 specialties are taught in 39 specializations and 4 languages in the center. Students of the Center will be able to get diplomas both from the Azerbaijan State Economic University and of prestigious universities in Europe and Turkey.
The staff of the faculty is involved in improving the quality of education, providing international standards during the teaching process, and at the same time establishing closer ties with the business world in the teaching process, and providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge.
International Magistrate and Doctorate Center as the dynamic and highly teaching center of its kind is more delving into a variety of methods to all academic matters with the cutting edge research on a wide range of specific areas based on teaching process and training of personnel is in conformity with the European educational system.
According to the agreement achieved with the prestigious universities of Turkey Graduate students majoring in three majors conducted by UNEC- Organization and Administration of Business, International Relations and Diplomacy and Tourism and Hotel Keeping are planned to be awarded the relevant diplomas of the Turkish Universities, in addition to UNEC diploma.
The teaching staffs at the IMDC who are graduates of some of the prestigious universities including University of Technology, University of Florida, University of Illinois, Glasgow University, Rotterdam University, Glasgow University, Edinburgh University, Vienna Diplomatic Academy, Warwick University, King’s College London, London School of Economics, Durham University, Central European University, Newcastle University and others.
From 03.08.2017 to December 2023, the center was headed by associate professor Fariz Saleh oglu Ahmadov.
Employees of the center Registration, accounting and documentation department
Department head: Hajiyeva Khayala Nizami gizi
Agayev Samir Israfil oghlu
Abbasova Parvin Tehran
Jabarli Nargiz Nazim
Osmanova Gunay Ziyeddin
Dadashova Chinare Dadash
Tutor service section
Department head: Sultanova Roya Natig
Karimli Khadija Chingiz
Rzayeva Ramila Bandali
Taghiyeva Ilaha Farhad
Bayramli Jamila Nariman
Program leaders (by majors)
Assoc. Shamkhalova Samira Ogtay (Business management, Management, Marketing, State and Municipal administration)
Тeacher. Valiyev Jabrayil Khalil (Finance, Accounting and Audit)
Аssociate professor, Najafova Kamala Akif (World economy, Commerce)
Тeacher Babashova Sakina Isa (Economics, Statistics, Organization and Management of Industry)
Ph.D. teacher Huseynzadeh Elnur Magsad (Technical and Technological specializations)
UNEC – 100 Development Strategy (2019-2030)
Alumni Association of the IMDC
Plagiarism rules
Fight against scientific plagiarism Rules 2022
For The Preparation, Presentation And Evaluation Of The Master_s Dissertation_2022
Admission rules
Rules for organization of scientific – pedagogical practice SPP
Rules for organization of scientific research practice SRP
Nizami Ganjavi Sustainable Development and Green Economy Research Center
The Extract About The Structure Of UNEC Research Centers From The Database
Education programs
Study Program _ 060409 – Business Management
Study Program _ 060403-Finance
Study Program _ 060404_Economics
List of dissertation topics and foreign supervisors for the academic year 2022_2023
Information about IMDC Teachers
List of professors and teaching staff studying abroad
Master degree programs taught in English.
Education Opportunities at UNEC (VIDEO – 11.07.2017)
10 important facts about UNEC’s International Master and Doctorate Center (IMDC)
Report forms of dissertation works-in Azerbaijani
Report forms of dissertation works-in English
Report forms of dissertation works -in Russian
Report forms of dissertation works-in Turkish
UNEC- the only Higher Education Institution students of which receive International Banking Certificate in CIS (24.07.2017)
Admission of Documents to the International Graduate and Doctorate Center starts (02.07.2017)
Major Choice of the International Graduate and Doctorate Center of UNEC has started (09.06.2017)
Center for International Graduate and Doctoral Studies established at UNEC (03.12.2015)