...635 International Management BUEC 644 International Business environment FIN 644 International Finance BUEC 510 Comparative Business systems MARK 614 International Marketing BUS 640 Global Supply Chain Management HRM 602 International......
https://unec.edu.az/en//beynelxalq-biznes...purposeful work in the direction of increase the number of these programs by 2030. According to the strategy, UNEC has chosen a target to increase the number of international double......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-100-beynelmilel-universitet10 interesting facts about the International School of Economics of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC): 1. The total number of students- 375 2. Multi- specialty Faculty- 5 leading majors......
https://unec.edu.az/en//azerbaycan-dovlet-iqtisad-universitetinin-unec-beynelxalq-iqtisadiyyat-mektebi-haqqinda-10-maraqli-fakt...the purposeful policy of president Ilham Aliyev, necessary steps had been taken to improve the quality of education in the country, to integrate of national education system into the international......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-90-illiyine-hesr-olunan-ii-iqtisadiyyat-ve-idareetme-sahesinde-magistr-ve-doktorantlarin-beynelxalq-elmi-konfransi-kecirilib...an atmosphere where everyone feels a sense of belonging, where every voice is heard, and where dialogue flourishes. I extend my gratitude to all the individuals whose dedication and passion......
https://unec.edu.az/en//elilliyi-olan-telebeler-ucun-merkez...issue on the agenda, it was decided to organize an international conference in partnership with 15 international and foreign organizations. Referring to the fact that digitalization requires new competencies in......
https://unec.edu.az/en//reqemsal-iqtisadiyyat-muasir-cagirislar-ve-real-imkanlar-movzusunda-beynelxalq-konfrans-kecirilib...that the goal was to incorporate the economic development factors into the context of social welfare and to direct the development of the countries to this direction. The event continued......
https://unec.edu.az/en//davamli-inkisafin-sosial-iqtisadi-problemleri-movzusunda-37-ci-beynelxalq-elmi-konfrans-kecirilibHead of the chair: Cand.of E. Sc., assoc. prof. Abbasova Sevinj Aghamammad Address: Baku, H.Aliyev str., 135 (2 campus) Telephone: +(994) 12 564-37-10; +(994) 12 564-67-98 E-mail: sevinjabbasova@ unec.edu.az *......
https://unec.edu.az/en//iqtisadiyyat-rus-dilinde...in the conference. The purpose of the action is to plant trees in all corners of our country within the framework of the conference and to contribute to the improvement......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-teskilatciligi-ile-iqtisadiyyat-ve-idareetme-sahesinde-tedqiqatcilarin-vi-beynelxalq-elmi-konfransi-kecirilir...AA_Business administration teacher 24.072 45 46 İbrahimova Qanira Alim AA_International economics (english) teacher 24.022 46 47 Shirvanova Tarana Amiragha AA_International relations teacher 23.905 47 48 Huseynli Ayten Tayyar AA_Business administration......
https://unec.edu.az/en//differensial-emek-haqqi-sisteminde-muellimlerin-reytinqi...of UNEC’s International Graduate and Doctorate Center: Azerbaijani Section WORLD ECONOMY 227461 International Economic Relations 227478 Customs Affairs 227486 International Trade 227494 International Economic Activity 227518 International Financial and Currency......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-beynelxalq-magistratura-ve-doktorantura-merkezine-ixtisas-secimi-baslayibInternational School of Economics......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-martyrsSenior lecturer Akbarova Flora Samander......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ekberova-flora-semender...the number of those admitted to UNEC with 600 and higher points increased by 16 percent compared to last year. It has been brought to attention that the number of......