...teachers of Hacettepe, Istanbul, Ankara, Yıldız Technical, Gazi, Artvin Coruh, Ostim Technical universities, informed them about the goals of the university. He said that international experience is regularly studied in......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rektor-turkiyeli-professorlarla-unec-in-hedeflerinden-danisdi...most urgent issues of the day related with the education area were debated within the conversation with minister. We introduce the full version of the broadcast’s second part. * VİDEO......
https://unec.edu.az/en//media-ile-uz-uze-tehsil-naziri-mikayil-cabbarovla-musahibe-ii-hisseDear International Students, We look forward to welcoming you to the International School of Economics (UNEC)! Please see further information about Online Registration and Application Forms on https://unec.edu.az/en/admission/international-students/......
https://unec.edu.az/en//777-international-school-of-economicsThe Indonesian Government offers the one year “Darmasiswa” scholarship program for the 2018-2019 academic year for the students interested in studying the Indonesian language, art and culture at the Indonesian......
https://unec.edu.az/en//indoneziya-universitetlerinde-bir-illik-teqaud-proqramiOn the third day of the program, Swiss students in the intensive internship program at UNEC participated in the seminar on financial markets of Elchin Mammadov, Head of the Sales......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-tecrubede-olan-isvecreli-telebeler-olkenin-maliyye-bazarlari-ve-bank-sistemi-barede-telimlerde-istirak-edibler...British Columbia (UBC) situated in Vancouver, Canada. Specific topics on Marketing have been taught within the program organized on the site edx.org aggregated the world’s most prestigious universities’ online courses.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-muellimi-kanada-universitetinin-sertifikatini-qazandi[email protected] https://www.facebook.com/uneckatibliyi ......
https://unec.edu.az/en//katiblik...of II rank. Gulbala Orujaliyev of the Faculty Commerce, Anar Behbudov of the Faculty Technology and Design have been honore to the diploma of III rank of the International Olympiad......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-beynelxalq-olimpiadada-istirak-ediblerMustafayeva Esmira Musaifovna......
https://unec.edu.az/en//r-u-f-d-mustafayeva-esmira-musaifovna...other questions were responded. The results are lower in some points such as ‘teacher uses real examples in explaining the lesson and involves all the students to the process, teacher......
https://unec.edu.az/en//deputy-dean-associate-professor-gurbanov-natig-huseyn...Habibbayli, other resources in science, education and technology are being re-discovered: “The issue set in front of education is in-depth research of natural resources, study and their use in society.......