...Aliyev Navai Shakhlar AA_Financa and financial institutions S/t 14.612 564 MammadovAkif Baylar AA_Theoretical and practical economics assist.prof. 14.599 565 Dunyamaliyeva Vefa Rashid AA_Statistics assist.prof. 14.597 566 Aliyeva Naile Rauf AA_Financa......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-professor-muellim-heyetinin-reytinq-siyahisi-mueyyenlesdi...role of economic relations with the Global South”. Describing the causes of environmental problems in Western Europe, the report cited industrialization and global climate change as key factors. The scientist......
https://unec.edu.az/en//avropa-ittifaqi-etraf-muhit-siyaseti-qazlasdirma-ve-qlobal-cenubla-iqtisadi-elaqelerin-rolu...of UNEC alumni Suliddin Baghırov, A.Rzayev spoke about the importance of the Astara-Astara “North-South” International Transport Corridor connecting the railway lines between Azerbaijan and Iran. We are presenting the video......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-eksperti-simal-cenub-beynelxalq-neqliyyat-dehlizinin-ehemiyyeti-baredeA special representative of the publication “Global South Development Magazine” Hriday Sarma visited UNEC within the trip to Azerbaijan on the “Exchange Program of Visiting Research Fellows” on April 7.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//global-south-development-magazine-nesrinin-xususi-numayendesi-unec-de-2...world asset and wealth. This is a big lack of any kind of balance. It also can be applied to more developed North and less developed South. How can someone......
https://unec.edu.az/en//domagoj-cingula-azerbaijan-can-already-talk-about-sustainable-development...of the South Korean Institute for International Economic Policy, which is first in South Korea, the 2nd B2B on-line platform in the world coorporates with state institutes and more than......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-alimi-dunyanin-2-ci-en-boyuk-iqtisadi-onlayn-platformasina-ekspert-secilib...underlined importance of estbalishment of this Center for development of human capital and reserach capacity in Azerbaijan in the fields of sustainable development and green economy. At the end of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-nizami-gencevi-adina-dayaniqli-inkisaf-ve-yasil-iqtisadiyyat-tedqiqat-merkezinin-acilisi-olubA special representative of “Global South Development Magazine” Hriday Sarma who made a trip to Azerbaijan within the Visiting Research Fellows’ Exchange Program visited UNEC on March 15. Discussions about......
https://unec.edu.az/en//global-south-development-magazine-nesrinin-xususi-numayendesi-unec-de...Economics on the air of Radio UNEC (05.05.2017) UNEC successfully continues the joint Graduate Program with the Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia (31.05.2016) UNEC’s Dean was awarded order (23.11.2015)......
https://unec.edu.az/en//assist-prof-barkhudarov-mansur-isaHajizadeh Elshan Mahmud...
https://unec.edu.az/en//hacizade-elsen-mahmud-oglu...the South Caucasus. He said that Azerbaijan’s important strategic position is at the center of attention of many world states from a geopolitical point of view, and the South Caucasus......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiyenin-azerbaycandaki-sefiri-cahit-bagci-unec-telebeleri-ile-gorusub...Student Trade Union Committee of the Faculty. Then the students became familiar with the National Hero’s home museum. UNEC students wrote their commemoration words in the guest book of the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-milli-qehremanin-ailesini-ziyaret-ediblerAbil Jabizada......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ebil-cebizade...emotional moments to the participants. On the occasion of Victory Day, videos dedicated to the martyrs and our history of Victory were shown on monitors in all UNEC educational buildings.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-zefer-gununu-boyuk-tentene-ile-qeyd-edib...Garayev, Deputy Military Commander on Work with staff, Lieutenant-Colonel awarded “Courage” medal Seymur Habibullayev, Azerbaijan’s National Hero, martyr Aliyar Aliyev’s son Major Emin Aliyev, the battery commander who destroyed about......