Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Novruzova Azada Qadir...... intensified. In addition, economic growth in developed countries is divided into non-equal. He said the Trade Facilitation Agreement expected to be signed before the end of the year will...... as a student-centered university and the goals of UNEC-100 Development Strategy. Speaking about the need to increase the number of student social projects and the creation of new specialized...... The university has reserves to increase salaries in future. According to the Rector who considers it necessary to increase the teaching staff’s teaching load, there number might be reduced:...... 4th year. Upon graduation, students will receive a diploma from the University of Montpellier in addition to UNEC. Thus, the number of students who graduated from the double degree...... Assisstant Professor : Qadimaliyeva Aynur Famil...... Sevinj Mubariz...... of Biological Sciences, Assist.Professor, Akhundova Nazila Abdul...... be preceded by a visit to the tomb of national leader Heydar Aliyev and the Alley of Martyrs, as well as the opening of a new memorial complex erected...... Zumrud Babir...... a master’s degree from UNEC and a diploma from both universities. Upon successful completion of the program, a master student from UNEC will be able to get diploma from...... he wanted to study in Finance at International School of Economics of UNEC, noted that UNEC had always been one of his main goals since he had been preparing......, private cars or bicycles) in the high school, organization of training courses on environmental problems, availability of research funds to study environmental problems, the number of published scientific articles......, representatives of the country, as well as foreign partner universities from Sweden, Poland, Spain, and Estonia were also represented at the training. The aim of the training was to...... order to maintain ties with foreign alumni, to ensure permanent representation abroad and to increase the number of foreign students, UNEC’s selected alumni living abroad will be granted the......