...a speech on “Effective Marketing Strategies”. The information about the wide range marketing strategies of the enterprises in modern era, efficient ways of establishing the relationship between the enterprise and......
https://unec.edu.az/en//marketinq-diskusiya-klubu-nun-novbeti-seminari-kecirilib...Rzayev has delivered the information about the results of comparative analysis of the international competitiveness of Azerbaijan. The speaker has noted that recently Azerbaijan holds the highest position in terms......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-elmi-seminar-azerbaycanin-beynelxalq-reqabetqabiliyyetliliyi-ve-onun-yukseldilmesi-yollariAn Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan Mr. Erkan Ozoral and Education Counselor of the Embassy Mr. Abdulgafur Buyukfirat visited UNEC. The Ambassador was provided with the information......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiye-sefiri-unec-in-bizim-ucun-xususi-yeri-var...be held among 12 faculties on 11 sport types. Chairman of the “Academy of Young Economists” Hidayat Kerimov delivered information about the execution plan of the games. He noted that......
https://unec.edu.az/en//oktyabrin-9-da-azerbaycan-dovlet-iqtisad-universitetinde-unec-unec-i-telebe-idman-oyunlari-na-hazirliqla-bagli-dekanlarla-gorus-kecirilib-telebelerle-is-uzre-prorektor-seadet-qendilova-dekanlara-azer...(UNEC) at the Career Center of the institution. Students were provided with detailed information about the Internship Programs and career opportunities. In addition, methods of proper CV writing have been......
https://unec.edu.az/en//young-business-factory-teskilatinin-numayendeleri-unec-telebeleri-ile-gorusub...Products 15.749 14 AA_Information Economy and Technologies 15.435 15 AA_Regulation of Economy 15.335 16 AA_Protection of Environment and Economy 15.200 17 AA_Statistics 15.132 18 AA_Economic Theory 15.110 19 AA_Management 15.093......
https://unec.edu.az/en//differensial-emekhaqqi-sisteminde-kafedralarin-reytinqi-3On April 20 the presenter of the program “Autostop”, DJ Tural becomes a guest on Radio UNEC. After the broadcast DJ Tural will meet with UNEC students. Information about the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//dj-tural-radio-unec-de-video...20 min. on humanitarian subjects, but on mathematics and econometrics 2 hours. Because these subjects require calculations and they need extra time”. Delivering the information about the written exams held......
https://unec.edu.az/en//35362...implementation of innovation activities in the field of education and banking, application of educational and information technologies in business processes, organization of joint seminars, training, conferences, and other events, creation......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-ile-bank-of-baku-arasinda-emekdasliq-memorandumu-imzalanib...Creativity Center Elman Jafarov delivered the information about the film before the demonstration. He said that the problem in the example of the people who are the victims of religious......