PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Huseynova Shakhla Akif...... information about the student organizations operating at the university. He said that in addition to the student rector, there are 10 student organizations operating in different areas. Sh. Askerov......’ scientific publications and their impact factor to community, the number of scientific articles published in foreign countries, the percentage of the academic staff engaged in scientific research will be...... Gahramanova Shahla Sheki... order to ensure the implementation of the Decision No. 183 of the Scientific Council of UNEC on May 31, 2022, from 02.09.2022, the departments of “International Economy”, “Theoretical...... Fakhri Mammad......, attending at his/her 2 lectures and 2 seminars without prior notice. In case when the teachers’ scores showed the best result will be the same, the “Student Satisfaction Survey”......* The admission for undertaking an internship in the enterprise will be implemented through the interview. The internship program will be implemented by the “2×2 Consulting” Company and, as well...... the meeting, the parents of the martyr told their memories about their children. They said that Ahmadaga was a very kind and devoted son to his family, and loved...... be adequate.The system was the key in establishing this approach. – The differentiated payment system is applied at UNEC for the first time. What was the ground for it?......“” (12.05.2017) Prospects of Scientific Research Works discussed at UNEC (10.03.2017) UNEC’s Employees attended a Seminar held in Swiss (03.10.2016) A new Program of Radio UNEC- NLP Master (20.05.2016) ...... exigency. Sometimes, the authors are not interested in the discipline, its methodology and quality, but only in the number of publications. The Professor highlighted that the stamp required for...... to UNEC. In total, 391 foreign students study at UNEC. The number of foreigners studying at UNEC within the framework of educational grants and state programs is 14 people......., gave their recommendations and spoke about the innovations applied at the university. Students were informed that the application of the Electronic University Model was launched in all academic buildings...... winners of “Birbank” student scholarship program of Kapital Bank have been determined. UNEC is the leader in terms of the number of winning students in the competition, which was......