Academic staff’s rating list for May 1 of 2016/2017 academic year has been defined in the Differential Salary System that is successfully applied at UNEC. The ranking list in the...... 10.584 751 Məmmədov İsa İsmayıl AA_Economic theory 10.482 752 Sərdarova Rita Əmrah AA_Mathematics 10.292 753 Mustafayev Yəhya Rəsul AA_Accounting and audit 10.269 754 Əlləzov Qəzənfər Səhvəddin...... was a great boost in ensuring the employment of disabled people. More than 1200 young people with disabilities participated in the fair. 108 people were hired on the very...... number of pupils participated in the “One day at UNEC” project is increasing day by day. The participants of the project this time were the pupils of the secondary......, USA (Fubright), a number of international economic organizations (UN, UNCTAD, World Bank, DTB). The Scientific-Research Institute of Economic Studies was established for the first time in the field of...... measures the number of the visits of the site, significance of the site, width of its views, the number of references and “unique” visits from the personal computers or...... spring exam session would be held at the correspondence education department from June 1 to June 23, and teaching aids had been uploaded to teachers’ personal cabinets. S.Tanriverdiyev also...... the “number of references”. This criterion has a weight of 20% and is calculated based on the number of citations to articles in the SCOPUS index over the last...... using consecutive numbering. The number of the formula should be shown in parentheses on the right. When a formula is referenced in the text, the formula number should also...... Sugra Ingilab...... in the region increases the number of infections in the region by 32%, while a 1% increase in the recovery rate reduces the number of infections by 0.7%. The...... the social welfare of UNEC employees, the average monthly salary at the university was increased by 1.92 times. This is an increase of 1.96 times for the teaching staff...... traditional maximum philosophy of scientific knowledge. We should search for teaching techniques in the education system of practical scientific knowledge”. Referring to the number of young teachers in the...... been considerable progress in the number of highest scoring applicants to available places at UNEC, he (or Professor Muradov) said that 63 percent of applicants that scored more than...... “One day at UNEC” project is continuing. Within the last two weeks, the pupils of the secondary schools number 17, 21, 29, 62, 96, 191, 236, 239, 245, 272,......