...to seek the answer to the fundamental questions: how should the governing principle of the college be and what form should the organization of training be established? UNEC Rector delivered......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-nezdine-verilen-maliyye-iqtisad-kollecinde-tedrisin-teskili-muzakire-edilib...views with researchers on the issues associated with the topics and the themes of the Conference. The Conference, which is planned to be held for the fifth time on June......
https://unec.edu.az/en//iqtisadiyyat-ve-idareetme-sahesinde-beynelxalq-elmi-konfrans-kecirilecek...10 higher educational institutions of the country. UNEC’s name is mentioned in the media 1474 times within the month of June. A media rating was calculated on the number of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-birinci-olub...been unanimously adopted by the members of the Council. In the Council has also been approved the amendments to the “Rules on the Differential Wage Sytem based on the assessment......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-yeni-tedris-iline-yuksek-keyfiyyet-gostericileri-ile-start-verib...outside the university (Pasha Holding, Kapital Bank, etc.) was 41. The Vice-rector informed about the positive results of the financial audit conducted by an external institution at the university, the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//295-telebe-unec-in-xususi-teqaudunu-qazanib-prorektor-hesabat-verdi...the training of future economists are irreplaceable. We offer several statistic information: 1058 of 1661 employees of UNEC who render services to the students of the largest economy-oriented university of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-xanimlari-statistikaUNEC became the leader among Azerbaijani universities according to the ranking on the “TRANSPARENT RANKING: Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations” published by the International Rating Agency “Webometrics” in......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-novbeti-beynelxalq-uguru...and students participated. The UNEC collective paid tribute to the dear memory of the martyr, laid a wreath and arranged flowers in front of the grave. Dean of the Russian......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-grave-of-martyred-unec-student-isakh-verdiyev-was-visited-on-his-birthday...She said due to the cooperation with the largest faculty of the country for the number of students the new page is open in the history of the combined school......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-ve-189-190-sayli-birlesmis-mekteb-konstitusiya-gunu-nu-birlikde-qeyd-edib...Causes and Results”, dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the 1918th Azerbaijani Genocide, at Guba Training, Sport and Recreation Complex of the university. The vice-rector for Student Affairs Assist. Prof.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-professor-muellim-heyeti-ve-telebeleri-quba-soyqirimi-memorial-kompleksi-ni-ziyaret-etdi...Rector thanked them for choosing UNEC and wished them success in education. A.Muradov spoke about UNEC’s targets: “The main task set before us by the President of the Republic Mr.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rektor-600-balla-unec-e-qebul-olunan-telebelerle-gorusub...research, personal development, social activity and business relations has already completed. Evaluating online applications, the commission determined the teachers gained the right to join the contest. The majority of the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//lider-muellim-lider-universitet-layihesinin-i-merhelesi-basa-catibIn order to strengthen the pedagogical staff potential of UNEC, the V Training program for teachers is launched. The training, which will start on February 10, aims to increase the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-25-fenn-uzre-telim-proqramina-start-verilir...students with the up-to-date economic literature catalogues. Heads of the Departments performing under the faculty, academic staff and students attended the meeting. Mentioning the current situation of the library, Faculty......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-kitablari-sevek-devizi-altinda-gorus-kecirilib...accordance with the students’ online inquiries to rector was the organization of internship at UNEC. The students spoke about the problems they face and sounded questions on interested issues of......