...the Major General, the officers and soldiers of the military unit number “N” located in the Shamkir region. The Major General Kh. Jabrailov, highly appreciating the visit of the university......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-kollektivi-on-cebhedeThe “One day at UNEC” project is successfully continuing. The pupils of the senior classes of the secondary schools number 251, 31 and 209 located in the city Bakuwere the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-bir-gunluk-telebeleri-kollokviumda...directions of activity. The rector noted that, there are a number of requirements related to the quality of education in the European countries and one of them is an operation......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-imtahan-prosesi-tekmillesdirilir...made to increase the number of majors, it was said that the student admission on Tourism and Hotel Business will be realized from the new academic year. To increase the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-rektoru-canli-efirde-suallari-cavablandirib“We are trying to train not only professional personnel, but also real citizens”......
https://unec.edu.az/en//we-are-trying-to-train-not-only-professional-personnel-but-also-real-citizens...school number 54. When Murad was 6 years old, he took the exam on the piano classes at the music school number 21 named after Leopold və M.Rostropoviches, but as......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-istedadlari-muran-qrupu...Azerbaijan, the UN system has been supporting educational institutions including this University and the role of education in socio-economic development of the country over a number of years. Our contributions......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bmt-nin-rezident-elaqelendiricisi-cenab-qulam-m-isakzainin-sosial-iqtisadi-inkisafda-tehsilin-rolu-movzusunda-kecirilen-konfransdaki-nitqiThe “One-day at UNEC” project is successfully continuing. The pupils of the senior classes of the secondary comprehensive school number 142, located in Baku were the one-day students in Business......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bir-gunluk-telebeler-biznes-ve-menecment-fakultesinde...schedule has changed. Thus, the library is in the service of readers from 9 am till 8 pm. In total, the total number of fund in 2018 was 4,108 copies.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-kitabxana-informasiya-merkezinin-4-sayli-tedris-binasinin-oxu-zali...who apply to the center – teachers, students or employees? – There are more students. However, the number of employees has also increased this year. We operate on three principles:......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-psixoloji-xidmet-merkezi-bu-bize-olan-inamin-neticesidir...are transferring to this system newly. Also, the less number of lesson hours, providing more compact lessons, the less number of exams, developing more the research capabilities of students, non-existence......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-ingilis-dilinde-tehsil-aldigim-ucun-montpellierde-cetinlik-cekmedim...interviews. 3 UNEC students and one graduate have gained the right of internship in the European Parliament as the winners of the competition. According to the number of winners, UNEC......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-telebeleri-ve-mezunu-avropa-parlamentinde-tecrube-kececekThe project “One day at UNEC” is successfully continuing. The pupils of the senior classes of the secondary school number 141 named after R. Annaghiyev of Suraxani district became the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bir-gunluk-telebe-ler-rus-iqtisad-mektebindeThe “One day at UNEC” project is successfully continuing. The pupils of the school number 229 of the Nizami district became the one day students of UNEC. After the pupils......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-bir-gun-secimimizden-eminik...in the direction of transformation to research university in UNEC. Within the framework of the implemented stimulus measures, a significant increase was observed in the number of scientific works of......