...in Ethiopia: in the example of the analysis of the production sector in the Tigray region.» The thesis defense of A.M. Gebreselassie, who studied “Field Economics” (in English), was positively......
https://unec.edu.az/en//efiopiya-vetendasi-unec-de-doktorantura-tehslini-bitirerek-felsefe-doktoru-oldu...asked me to add their questions to base too. But it became a bit complicated, because there were too many questions. In the meantime, my group- mate’s father, Head of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//azerbaycan-dovlet-iqtisad-universitetinin-telebesinin-azerbaycan-muellimi-qezetine-musahibesi...new competition legislation – the Competition Code. M. Abbasbeyli also drew attention to the presence of regulatory instruments that promote joint competition in the Code. Then the panel discussion started.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//panel-konfrans...about the main tasks to increase students’ interest in science and to lift the role of quality assessment experts in modern consumer market. He said that in modern era the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-neft-kimya-prosesleri-institutunun-laboratoriyalarindan-istifade-ede-bilecekler...the interest in the training of specialists in technical and technological fields, especially engineering specialties, is growing in the country. The minister emphasized the importance of conducting research on green......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-international-conference-on-green-economy-and-the-road-to-environmental-imperatives-new-challenges-opportunities-and-perspectives-has-startedİn order to ensure the implementation of Decision No. 183 of the meeting of the Scientific Council of UNEC on May 31, 2022, the departments of “Finance and financial institutions”......
https://unec.edu.az/en//accounting-and-audit...of university campuses to the natural environment, energy use and its impact on climate, the policy of reducing paper use on campus, rational use of water resources, use of transportation......
https://unec.edu.az/en//dunyada-432-ci-azerbaycanda-1-ci-unecInslallation of Mobile Application into the telephone: A mobile applivation of the site unec.edu.az of Azerbaijan State University of Economics is given to use. The mob-app can be easily searched......
https://unec.edu.az/en//mob-app“I’ve always wanted to work in a bookstore because…”......
https://unec.edu.az/en//i-ve-always-wanted-to-work-in-a-bookstore-because...the topic “Economic integration of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ethiopia: on the example of the analysis of the production sector in the Tigray region”. The dissertation defense of A.M.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-ecnebi-doktoranti-dissertasiya-mudafiesini-ugurla-tamamlayibCandidate of geography., Associate Professor Khalilov Ilgar Beylar......
https://unec.edu.az/en//c-e-n-dos-xelilov-ilqar-beyler...and their results in the teaching process, establishment of the information system collecting and analyzing the teaching process, realization of the issues of transferring internal quality indicators into the external......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yeni-tedris-ili-unec-de-keyfiyyet-ili-elan-olunub...Enterprise will improve Citizens’ Welfare (25.01.2017) A Seminar on “Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Logistics and Trade” held at UNEC (24.01.2017) Head of “SEFCO Consulting Group” conducted Training to......
https://unec.edu.az/en//business-administrationHead of the chair: Cand.of E. Sc., assoc. prof. Abbasova Sevinj Aghamammad Address: Baku, H.Aliyev str., 135 (2 campus) Telephone: +(994) 12 564-37-10; +(994) 12 564-67-98 E-mail: sevinjabbasova@ unec.edu.az *......
https://unec.edu.az/en//iqtisadiyyat-rus-dilinde...not train personality. “Today, in order to inculcate reading in generation Z, the taste and interest of that generation should be taken into account in the design and printing of......