...the 11th country, strengthening its position among the world’s education brands. Earlier, the UNEC brand was protected in Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Estonia, Russia and the Ukraine.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-brendi-daha-bir-avropa-dovleti-terefinden-tanindi...University of Malaga of Spain, Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania, Solbridge International School of Business, Woosong University of South Korea, Gazi, Hajettepe and Sakarya Universities of Turkey. Students of UNEC......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-cooperation...and Mykolas Romeris University and so on) of over 30 countries (Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Lithuania, Southern Korea and Turkey etc.). Dual Degree Programs and Students-teacher Exchange Programs......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-dunya-seviyyeli-universitet...(31.01.2020), Lithuania (03.02.2020) and Slovakia (12.02.2020) after registered in Azerbaijan and by the Turkish Brand and Patent Institute in Turkey. Completion of formal procedures as soon as possible and approval......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-brendi-avropada-tanindi...as well as dual diploma programs with the University of Montpellier, Mycolas Romeris University of Lithuania are implemented here. President of the University of Valenciennes, Professor A.Artiba, in turn, delivered......
https://unec.edu.az/en//fransanin-valenciennes-universitetinin-rektoru-unec-cox-yaxsi-universitetdir...studying in the following universities within the Non- Erasmus Exchange Program: University of Montpellier of France University of Siegen of Germany Mycolos Romeris University of Lithuania International Business School of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//mubadile-proqramlari-11...France, Germany, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Lithuania and Hungary within the “Erasmus+”, “Mevlana” and “Fulbright” Programs. More than 20 professors and teachers from the US, Europe and CIS countries were involved......
https://unec.edu.az/en//amerikali-professor-unec-deki-fealiyyetimi-heyatimda-cox-onemli-merhele-hesab-edirem...Erasmus Exchange Program: University of Montpellier of France University of Siegen of Germany Mycolos Romeris University of Lithuania International Business School of Solbridge of Korea Submission period: Deadline for......
https://unec.edu.az/en//mevlane-proqrami...of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan over 1976-1983 years. He got internship at the Institute of Economy under the State Planning Committee of the Republic of Lithuania over 1977-1978......
https://unec.edu.az/en//azadov-eldar-hasankhan...about 200 articles from 15 countries have been submitted including Britain, Portugal, Serbia, Israel, Lithuania, Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary, Colombia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and Uzbekistan to the international conference.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//reqemsal-iqtisadiyyat-muasir-cagirislar-ve-real-imkanlar-movzusunda-ii-beynelxalq-konfrans-ise-baslayib...about 90 scientific articles of scientists from Azerbaijan, USA, Canada, Germany, India, Greece, Jordan, Portugal, Poland, Georgia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Romania, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil and Malaysia covering various fields......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-international-conference-digitalization-and-artificial-intelligence-revolution-in-business-management-starts-at-unec...of UNEC. Last year they took part in the exchange programs with the Siegen University of Germany and Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania and studied there within a term. Currently,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-beynelxalq-iqtisadiyyat-mektebinin-direktoru-iqtisad-uzre-felsefe-doktoru-anar-rzayevle-musahibeAdmission of the document for the exchange of professor-teaching staff for 2014-2015 academic years within “Mevlana Exchange Program” realized in accordance with the contract signed by the Ministry of Higher......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-relationsBayramov Qazanfar Muzaffar...
https://unec.edu.az/en//bayramov-qezenfer-muzeffer-oglu...UNEC as well as Lincoln University in the USA within 2 years. Also, they get opportunities to participate in exchange at leading universities of Switzerland, France, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania,......