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Yusif_Mirz__yevNational Hero Yusif  Mirzayev

Mirzayev Yusif Ali oghlu was born on May 23 1958 in Boyukduz province of Babek region. He completed the secondary school 1 in 1975. He studied at the Azerbaijan Institute of the National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC).

He joined the People’s Movement in 1988s. In 1991 he went to frontline voluntarily and fought valiantly. He participated in all operations together with his team of 14 fighters; had exclusive services in setting free 17 provinces of Aghdere. He resealed the whole division without losses in one of the battles.

Mirzayev Yusif Ali oghlu was awarded the title of “The National Hero of Azerbaijan” after the death by the Presidential Decree 495 of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed on March 27 1993. He was married, got a child.


Nazim bayraqla

Nazim Jabrayilov

 Jabrayilov Nazim Ibrahim oghlu was born on March 2 1949 in Aghdam. He graduated from the Faculty of “Economy of Trade” of Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy (current UNEC) in 1970. He was sent to work in Ashgabat of Turkmenistan. He worked in the DIA of Ashgabat. He got the second degree from the Kaliningrad Police School. He returned to Motherland after a while and started to work as a military engineer in the military vehicle group 2711.

Naim Jabrayilov always was one of the first defenders of the country on the frontline from the beginning of the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan in 1988. Senior Lieutenant N.Jabrayilov who is actively involved in the battles for Garabagh was appointed platoon commander by the Minister of Defense. He was presented to the early rank of captain on April 13 1994 for the great courage and bravery demonstrated by. He was killed on April 18 1994.

Nazim Jabrayilov was awarded the highest award of the country- “Azerbaijan Flag” Order after his death.


Firdovsi Valiyev

Firdovsi Valiyev was born on August 15, 1966, in the village of Shelli, Aghdam district. He completed his education at Shelli Village Secondary School from 1973 to 1983. In 1983, he enrolled in the part-time program in the Faculty of Accounting at the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy (now known as UNEC). From 1985 to 1987, he served in the military. He graduated in 1990 and began his professional career as an accountant at the City Consumer Societies Union in Aghdam.

In 1991, he became the first volunteer from Shelli to join the volunteer battalion founded by Shirin Mirzayev. In 1992, he courageously participated in battles at Childiran, Garakand, Nakhchivanik, Askeran, and Garagaya. On the day of the Khojaly massacre, he and his fellow fighters were surrounded while attempting to rescue Khojaly residents near Garakaya, close to Shelli village. He was martyred on February 26, 1992, the day of the Khojaly genocide.

In recognition of his bravery, he was posthumously awarded the “Azerbaijani Flag” Order in 1997.

The No. 1 Shelli Village Secondary School in Aghdam district is named in his honor.



Ilgar Abilhasanov

Abilhasanov Ilgar Yusif oghlu was born on August 19 1967 in Baku. After completing his military service he was enrolled to the Institute of National Economy of Azerbaijan (current UNEC). Ilgar who wished to become a serviceman as his father and brother, moved to the evening department of the institute and started to work for police units. He occupied the post of sergeant at the Yasanal district police department. Ilgar’s shift was nearly to end when the Soviet troops entered Baku on the night from January 19 to 20, 1990.

Ilgar Abilhasanov died in the hospital after he was injured approximately at 12.

Today Baku city Secondary school 42 of Nasimi district where Ilgar studied was named after him.


saleh2-245x300Saleh Safarov

Safarov Saleh Safar oghlu was born on February 1 1954 in Aghdam. He completed Aghdam city secondary school 1. He was enrolled to the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC) in 1970 and graduated from in 1974.

He served in the military service in Ivano-Frankovski city of the Ukraine within 1974- 76. He served as an auditor in the financial department of Aghdam region. Saleh who entered the part-time department of Aghdam region Technical School of Agriculture in 1977 graduated from in 1980. He was appointed an Inspector General of Aghdam region department of internal affairs in 1983. He was promoted to the rank of captain in 1986 and major in 1990. In 1991 S.Safarov entered the part-time department of the Faculty of Law of Baku State University. In 1992 he started to work for the department of fight against economic crime in 1992.

He started to the defense of the Aghdam region and its provinces together with his employees since the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict. Saleh Safarov was killed on January 15 1993 in the battles in Giyasli province of Aghdam.


Etibar Aliyev Shehid (2)

Etibar  Aliyev

Aliyev Etibar Allahverdi oghlu was born on April 6 1975 in Baku. He studied at the secondary school 162 of Sabail district within 1982-1992. He was enrolled to the evening department of the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC) in 1992. At the same time worked in the railway publish house.

After completing the first course of the institute, he voluntarily joined Azerbaijan National Army in 1993. In May of 1994 Etibar got shrapnel wound on his head during the battles in Gapanli province of Tartar and sent to back. He returned to the frontline after the battles calmed and was captured by the Armenians. He was changed with Armenian captive on June 4, 24 days after being held captive in Shusha. Etibar died on July 10 despite medical interventions in the military hospital in Baku.

Etibar Aliyev was buried in the II “Martyrs’ Alley” in Baku.


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Elshan Mammadov

Mammadov Elshan Vagif oghlu was born on July 3 1992 in Bolnisi region of Georgia. He completed the secondary school 115 of Baku city. He was enrolled to UNEC Faculty of Commerce with 459 points in 2010. In 2014 he completed the higher education and went to military service. On September 25 2015 E.Mammadov was killed by the enemy a few minutes after receiving the post in the battlefield of Tartar region. 5 days left for the completion of his service when he was killed.

Elshan was buried in Zol Goyec province of Bolnisi region of Georgia.

Posthumously, he was awarded the 3rd class “For Distinction in Military Service” medal.


Mahir-Mirzeyev-3-300x300Mahir Mirzayev

Mahir Sabir oghlu Mirzayev was born on February 17 1994 in Baku. He got the secondary education at school 36 and was enrolled to Azerbaijan State University of Economics with 541 point in 2011.

Graduating from the faculty of Economics of UNEC in 2015 he went to serve in the army. Mahir was killed in the April events in Tartar in 2016.

Posthumously, he was awarded the 3rd class medal “For distinction in military service”.



umudov_mahammadMahammad Umudov

Umudov Mahammad Eldar oghlu was born on March 18 1974 in Sumgait city. He started his primary education at school 5 and completed it at school of mathematical bias. Mahir who was the youngest of four brothers also engaged in karate. He represented the both schools in the competitions of karate successfully.

Besides being the black belt master, Mahammad attracted the attention with his mathematical skills. He completed the secondary school in 1991 and entered Azerbaijan Institute of the National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC). He studied for only one term. He left his education incomplete and went to the military unit after the Khojali genocide. He heroically died on July 30 1992 in the battles of Kachapet province of Aghdere.  The martyr’s corpse was removed from the battlefield on August 9 and buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Sumgait.


Baxis sekil 1Bakhish Huseynov

Bakhish Farriz oghlu Huseynov was born on October in Sharg settlement of Beylagan. Completing the secondary school of the settlement in 1990 he was enrolled to the Faculty of Finance and Economics of Azerbaijan State Institute of Economics (current UNEC). Bakhish distinguished from his group mates with his socialactivities and special talent. But he left his education incomplete when the war satrted in Garabagh and went to the front voluntarily.

Bakhish who tool part in the hottest fights held in the height of Aghburun for a year and a half, died heroically on September 23 1993 trying to prevent attacks made by the enemy. Bakhish Huseynov save the lives of eight warriors with his death. It was able to find Bakhish’s corpse from the battle field two days later. He was buried in the Martyrs’ Alley situated in Beylagan region where he grew up. 


rzayv_fuadFuad Rzayev

Rzayev Fuad Mammadali oghlu was born on October 7 1971 in Baku. He finished the secondary school 145 of Nizami district of Baku in 1988. He entered the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy (current UNEC) the same year and studied in the Faculty of Accounting.

In December of 1989, he was called to army. After the military service, on October 1 1992 Fuad Rzayev started to serve in the National Guard of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of the decree of Nizami district Commissariat.He continued his studies part-time and was an active participants of the military operations held for Daghligh Garabagh, namely in the direction of Gubadli. Fuad Rzayev was killed on June 4 1993 within the fights for the protection and improvement of our statehood. He was buried in the “Martyrs’ Alley” of Baku on June 8.


isaxIsakh Verdiyev

Isakh Verdiyev was born on September 21, 1997 in the Russian city of Kaliningrad. He received his primary education at school No. 8. In 2007, he and his family moved to Azerbaijan, his homeland Tartar, and in 2008 to Sumgayit. He continued his secondary education at secondary school No. 3 in Sumgayit.

In 2015, he entered UNEC Russian School of Economics, majoring in Economics. He froze his education in 2018. On July 20, 2020, he was called up for military service by the military commissariat of the Tartar region. He was sent to the war zone when the war broke out. On October 6, he reached the peak of martyrdom in the battles for Alkhanli village of Fizuli region.

He was buried in the Alley of Honors in Sumgayit.

After his death, he was awarded the medal “For the Motherland”, “For the release of Fuzuli”.

He was married and has a 2-year-old son.



Bahruz Mammadov

Bahruz Mammadov was born on September 7, 1991 in Khaldan village of Yevlakh region. Mammadov, who lost his parents at an early age, grew up under the care of his grandparents, and after their death, his aunt. He received his secondary education at Khaldan village complex high school. He passed the exam from the 2nd grade to the 4th grade due to his high results during his studies. He was awarded first place in the competition of young artists in the country, participated in subject Olympiads. After graduating from secondary school with honors in 2009, he scored 571 points and entered Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), faculty of Commodity Studies, majoring in “Examination and Marketing of Consumer Goods.” After graduating from the bachelor’s degree in 2013, he continued his education at the master’s level. He was fluent in English, German, Russian and Polish, as well as in the field of information technology.

During his active military service in 2013-2014, he was awarded a letter of thanks by the commander of the military unit.

Bahruz Mammadov was called up for partial mobilization from the Yevlakh military commissariat on September 28, 2020, and was sent to the combat zone on October 5. He took part in the battles in Fizuli, Khojavend, Hadrut and Gubadli. He was killed on November 5, 2020 in the village of Dashalti during the battles for Shusha. Bahruz Mammadov was buried in Khaldan village of Yevlakh region.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For distinction in military service”, “For the homeland”, “Brave fighter”, “For the liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the liberation of Gubadli”, “For the liberation of Shusha”.


Mezdek eyvazlı

Mazdak Eyvazli

Mazdak Eyvazli was born on February 26, 1996 in the city of Baku. In 2002-2013, he received his secondary education at school No. 288 located in Lokbatan settlement. In 2013-2017, he received a bachelor’s degree in “Technological Machinery and Equipment Engineering” at the faculty of Technology and Design of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).

He served in the army in 2017-2018. During the battles of Tovuz in July 2020, he volunteered for mobilization. Mazdak Eyvazli, who was called  for mobilization on September 21, 2020, went to the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, after a few days of military training. On October 29, he was heroically martyred  in the battles for the release of Fuzuli.

He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Lokbatan settlement of Baku.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Fatherland”, “For the liberation of Khojavendin”, “For the liberation of Fuzuli”.



Rufat Asgarov

Rufat Asgarov was born on January 29, 1997 in the city of Rostov, Russia. He moved to Azerbaijan with his family in 2004. He studied at the Foreign Languages ​​Gymnasium named after S. Bahlulzade, Garachukhur settlement, Surakhani district, Baku.

In 2015, he entered the faculty of Business and Management of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), majoring in “Management”, and graduated in 2020.

He was called for active military service in 2020. He showed great heroism in the heavy battles for Khojavend, Gubadli and Fuzuli, and inflicted heavy blows on the enemy. He was killed in the battles for Shusha on October 25.

He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Bina settlement.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland”, “Brave Warrior”, “For the Liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the Liberation of Khojavend”, “For the Liberation of Gubadli”.


hikmetHikmat Shikhmammadov

Hikmet Shikhmammadov was born on December 6, 1995 in the village of Dag Kasaman, Agstafa region. He received his secondary education at school No. 2 in the village of Kasaman, Agstafa region.

In 2013-2017, he received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the faculty of Business and Management of   Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).

On September 29, 2020, he left for the front voluntarily. He took an active part in the liberation of Fizuli, Shusha and other regions. He was heroically martyred  in the battles near Shusha on November 8. He was buried in Agstafa region.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland”, “Brave Warrior” and “For the Liberation of Shusha”.



Teymur Majidzade

Teymur Majidzade was born on October 10, 1992 in the village of Gejagozlu, Fizuli region. After the occupation of Fizuli region by the Armenian armed forces in 1993, his family moved to Baku together.

In 2010-2014, he studied at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), majoring in “World Economy” and graduated with honors.

After completing his military service in the Border Troops, he served in a military unit.  He served as an officer in the army and was promoted to the rank of senior lieutenant. When the Second Karabakh War broke out, he went to his native village of Gejagozlu, Fizuli region. As a result of Teymur Majidzadeh’s clever and thoughtful measures and confident application of his military knowledge, he managed to get 104 battalions out of the siege and take a new combat position in the direction of Shusha without any losses.

On November 9, 2020, on the 43rd day of the Patriotic War, hours before the capture of Shusha, he was heroically martyred in the battles for Khojavend-Shusha.

He was buried in the 3rd Alley of Honors.

After his death, he was awarded the 3rd class “Courage” order, “For military services”, “For the homeland”, “For the liberation of Jabrayil”, “For the liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the liberation of Shusha” medals.



Ulvi Hajiyev

Hajiyev Ulvi Shirin oglu was born on November 13, 1994. From 2001 to 2012, he studied at the secondary school No. 141 in the Surakhani district of Baku.

 In 2012, he entered the faculty of Economics of   Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) (Russian sector). After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, he entered   UNEC Business School (MBA) in 2016. He received a master’s degree in business organization and management, majoring in Finance.

In 2019-2020, he served at the “Red Bridge” customs post of the Western Territorial Main Customs Office of the State Customs Committee”Azerterminalkompleks” Union.

In 2020, he enlisted in the army voluntarily. He took part in the fighting in Fuzuli region on September 30. He showed great heroism in the battles for Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Khojavend regions and Hadrut. On October 19, 2020, he died a heroic death while trying to save his comrade during the battles in the direction of Khojavend region. After 50 days of searching, his corpse   was found.

He was buried on November 31 in the 2nd Alley of Honors.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland”, “For the Liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the Liberation of Khojaven”, “Brave Warrior”.



Huseyn Muradov

Huseyn Muradov was born on May 10, 1994 in Jafarkhan village of Saatli region. From 2000 to 2011 he studied at the Technical and Humanitarian Lyceum No. 147. In 2011-2015 he studied at the faculty of  “General Economics” of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). During his studies at the university, he was distinguished by his exemplary behavior and won the sympathy of teachers and students.

In 2015, he served in the military in Murovdag. He was a mortarman  and artilleryman in the April 2016 battles. A few days before the start of the Second Karabakh War, on September 21, at the invitation of the Ministry of Defense, he left for a military unit to participate in training as a reservist. He showed great heroism by participating in the battles in the direction of Fizuli, which began on September 27. He was killed in the battles for Hadrut on October 8, 2020.

He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Keshla settlement of Baku.

After his death, he was awarded the “For the Fatherland”, “For the Liberation of Jabrayil”, and “For the Liberation of Fuzuli” medals.



Teymur Zeynalov

Teymur Zeynalov was born on March 28, 1993 in the city of Baku. He received his secondary education at secondary school No. 30 named after V. Azizov in Binagadi district. He has been interested in sports since childhood and participated in inter-school karate competitions. In 2011-2014, he received a bachelor’s degree in Finance from Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). In 2014-2015, he served in the military unit N in the city of Yevlakh. In 2017-2019, he received a master’s degree in “Banking” at UNEC.

He fought in the battles for the liberation of Fuzuli during the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020 by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to liberate the territories occupied by Armenia and restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. He was heroically martyred on October 24, 2020, while removing his wounded and martyred comrades from the direction of Gargabazar in the fierce battles for the liberation of Fuzuli region.

He was buried in Baku.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Fatherland”, “For the liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the liberation of Lachin”.

He was married.



Eldar Aliyev

Eldar Aliyev was born on February 13, 1994 in Baku. In 2000, he entered the school-lyceum No. 70 in Baku. After completing his secondary education from school in 2011, he entered the faculty of Turkish World Business at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).

Eldar, who differed from his peers in terms of education and intelligence, in 2012 got the first place at the inter faculties   competition “What? Where? When?” which took place at the university he studied. Then he repeated the same result in the intellectual game “Brain Ring”. He also successfully completed the final stage of the “I Inter-Student Economic Knowledge Olympiad” organize d by the “Youth Foundation”. He had a great interest in chess, mathematics and war-strategy games. He was nicknamed “Napo” among his friends because he loved to study and read about Napoleon. After graduating in 2015, he served as a  motor   machine gunner in the military unit “N” of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

He started working in 2016 after returning from military service. On September 27, 2020, when the Second Karabakh War broke out, he voluntarily went to the front. He took part in the battles for the liberation of Fuzuli, Hadrut and Jabrayil. He was heroically killed in the battles for Fuzuli region on October 13. He was buried on October 18 in the cemetery of Ahmadli settlement in Baku.

After his death, he was awarded the “For the Motherland”, “For the Liberation of Khojavendin”, and “For the Liberation of Fuzuli” medals.

One of the articles in the New York Times about the Second Karabakh War the martyrdom of Eldar Aliyev was written about.


nofəl quluyev

Nofal Guliyev

Nofal Ilham oghlu Guliyev was born on June 11, 1994, in the village of Goshabulag, Gadabay district. From 2000 to 2011, he completed his secondary education at Goshabulag Village School. Between 2011 and 2015, he studied at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, specializing in “Merchandise Expertise in Marketing” in the Faculty of Commodity Studies. In 2015, he completed his mandatory military service.

After the events of July 2020, he volunteered for mobilization and, on September 29, joined the Patriotic War. Nofal served as a senior grenadier and destroyed several enemy armored vehicles. He was martyred on October 27 during battles in the Jabrayil region.

He was laid to rest in his hometown, Goshabulag, Gadabay district.

Posthumously, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland,” “For Military Service,” “For the Liberation of Jabrayil,” “For the Liberation of Gubadli,” and “For the Liberation of Lachin.”


əli ələkbərovAli Alakbarov

Ali Alakbar oglu Alakbarov was born on October 12, 1985, in the village of Bozalganli, Tovuz district. He lived with his family in Baku and attended School No. 157 named after Famil Isgandarov in Binagadi district from 1992 to 2003.

In 2003, he was accepted into the Faculty of Economics at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics. After graduating in 2007, he was called up for military service. When the Second Karabakh War began in 2020, Ali volunteered for service through the Binagadi District Military Commissariat, joining the army on October 5. Without informing his family, he went to the front, where, as a squad commander, he fought heroically against the enemy in the Tartar-Aghdara direction. He was martyred in battle on October 17. His body was found in a neutral zone on November 11.

On November 21, 2020, he was laid to rest in the Khirdalan city cemetery.

Posthumously, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland,” “Brave Warrior,” and “For the Liberation of Sugovushan.”


Gasim Mammadhasanov

Gasim Bilal oghlu Mammadhasanov was born on December 18, 2001, in Moscow, Russia. In 2002, he was awarded a commemorative medal by Moscow Mayor Lujkov in honor of the city’s anniversary.

In 2003, his family returned to their native village of Garagashli in the Sabirabad district. From 2007 to 2018, he studied at the village’s secondary school, graduating with excellent grades.

In 2018, he enrolled in the Faculty of Finance and Accounting at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), graduating in 2022.

In July 2022, he began his military service. He initially served in Military Unit N in Ganja, later transferring to Military Unit N in Shusha.

During his service, he participated in several local combat operations in the Lachin region. On June 30, 2023, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor by his unit commander for his achievements in combat and socio-political training. On September 19-20, 2023, he participated in anti-terror operations, contributing to the liberation of Mukhtarkand and Dashkend in Khojaly and was martyred in the battle for the strategic “Cross Post” high ground near Khankendi.

Gasim Bilal oghlu Mammadhasanov was laid to rest on September 21, 2023, in his home village of Garagashli. To honor his memory, a memorial complex has been built in his village.

Posthumously, by orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, he was awarded the 3rd Degree Order “For Service to the Motherland,” along with the medals “For the Motherland” and “For Bravery.”

Shahlar Shukurov11

National Hero Shahlar Shukurov

Shukurov Shahlar Avaz oghlu was born on May 17 1952 in Zulfugarli province of Kelbajar. He went to military service after graduating from the Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade in 1972. After being demobilized from the service he worked in the Department of Internal Affairs of Ujar region. In 1986 he completed the Higher Police Academy of Rostov city. Shalar who were a Deputy Chief of Zardab region has received a rank of major. On July 11 1990 he was killed in an unequal battle during the sudden attack by Armenian militants to the convoy moving through Tartar-Kelbajar in the territory of Aghdere. He was married, got two children. He was buried in the province Zulfugarli of Kelbajar region.

Police Major Shukurov Shahlar Avaz oghlu was awarded the title of the National Hero of the Republic of Azerbaijan posthumously by the Presidential Decree 264 of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed on October 8 1992.

A school and a street situated in Zardab region were named after him.

* *

Qaratel_HacımahmudovaGaratel Hajimahmudova

Garatel Shami kizi Hajimahmudova was born in Ashaghi Eskipara province of Gazakg region in 1948. She completed the secondary school in 1962 and entered Baku Technical School of Trade. She worked in Ganja city mall after the graduation until 1970. She was a part- time student of the Faculty of Commodity Research of Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy (current UNEC) within 1970- 1975. She worked as a laboratory assistant in the Oil Exploration Department of the Academy of Sciences in Jeyranchol from 1976 to 1991.

Garatel Hajimahmudova was one of the most active members of Azerbaijan National Independence Movement. She joined a voluntary self- defense group consisting of the young people of the village in 1990. She was captured on June 14 1992. G. Hajimahmudova drank poison and shot herself not to be captured alive. Garatel Hajimahmudova’s corpse was returned together with her friends’ bodies on June 26 1992. Garatel Shami kizi Hajimahmudova was awarded the order of “Azerbaijan Flag” in 1994.


habil004-001 - копияHabil Azizov

Azizov Habil Kommunar oghlu was born in Vurgun settlement of Agstafa on January 19 1968. He studied at the Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC). A year after he went to serve in the military service. He completed the service in Riga and returned back to the institute. As he was a part-time student could serve in the state farm. In January of 1990, the third year student Habil came to Baku for the winter exam session. He celebrated birthday with his friends on January 19. Habil was walking in around the city when the Soviet troops entered Baku at night. He was killed by the Soviet tank and became a martyr. Ilgar was buried in the Martyrs’ Alley situated in Aghstafa. His photo is displayed in the Marturs’ Alley in Baku. His secondary school was named after him.


WhatsApp Image 2017-02-15 at 20.48.04Ramzi Asgerov

Asgerov Ramzi Asger oghlu was born on January 21 1967 in Lachin. He completed the secondary school in Lachin and was enrolled to the Institute of National Economy of Azerbaijan (current UNEC) named after D.Bunyadzade. After the territorial claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan he passed to part-time department and voluntarily went to war. He had been a warrior of Lachin region battalion and an officer of the military unit 811.

He died heriocally in the battle for the province Gulebirt of Lachin on May 25 1992. He was buried in Beylegan region. Ramzi Asgerov was the fifth year student when rose to the top of martyrdom.


Shamil RacabovShamil Rajabov

Rajabov Shamil Kamil oghlu was born on October 4 1970 in Aghdam. He studied in the secondary school 5 of Aghdam within 1977-1988. After completing school with honors he served in the military service in Khabarovsk. He entered the Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC) after the military service. Being a part-time student he worked in Baki oil processing plant.

He left education unfinished when Agdam city was occupied by Armenian aggressors and went to was voluntarily. He was killed in the bloody battles in the province of Gervend of Aghdam on April 18 1994. Shamil Rajabov was buried in II Alley of Martyrs in Baku.


rasulov_aliAli Rasulov

Rasulov Ali Hidayat oghlu was born on January 7 1972 in Bilasuvar region. Ali who was the fourth of the six children family completed the secondary school 3 of Bilasuvar region in 1989. Within 1990-1992 he served in the army. He entered the School of Accounting of Azerbaijan Institute of the National Economy (current UNEC) named after D.Bunyadzade in 1993. Ali was majoring part-time in Control of Accounting and Analysis of the Economic Activity when he left his eduication and went to Garabag voluntarily. He participated in the battles happened in fierce parts of war within three months.

A.Rasulov was killed on January 12 1994 heroically in the battles for Fizuli region.




 Aslan Shirinov

Aslan Sardar oghlu Shirinov was born on September 14, in 1974 in the village Maisery of Shamakhi region. A.Shirinov, who studied at the secondary school with the excellent marks, was sent to the international pioneer camp as a winner, the poems and articles he had written were published in different newspapers of the country. He graduated the secondary school in Meysari village in 1991 with the excellent marks.

In 1992, Aslan Şhrinov entered the faculty of Commerce of the Azerbaijan National Economic Institute named after Dadash Bunyadzadeh (at present UNEC). While studying in the I-st course he intermitted his education and went to the front as a volunteer. A.Shirinov, wounded in the bloody battles on the territory of Aghdere region, as soon as he got better he returned to the forefront again. A.Shrinov, in the battles in the direction of Goranboy, Tartar və Aghdere approved himself as a firm, brave and strong soldier.

On February 16, 1993, Aslan Shirinov was martyred heroically in the fierce battles in Aghdere region.

The secondary comprehensive school, he had got the education, in Maisery village of Shamakhi region is named after Aslan Shirinov.


Tural-Dadashov-1 (1)

Tural Dadashov

Tural Sabir oghlu Dadashov was born on August 24 1993 in Baku. He studied at the secondary school 210 of Nizami district. He was enrolled at UNEC with 472 points in 2011. He graduated from the Faculty of Commerce of UNEC in 2015 and went to serve in the army. Two months before the end of his service Tural was killed in the fights of Tartar region. The martyr’s body was found on April 8 on the battlefield. Brought to Baku, April 9 and was buri.

Posthumously, he was awarded the 3rd class medal “For distinction in military service”.



qurbanov_elcinElchin Gurbanov

Gurbanov Elchin Cherkez oghlu was born on August 6 1968. He completed the secondary school 160 in 1985 and entered the Faculty of Physics of Baku State University. In 1987 he went to serve in the army. He completed the service in Hungary in 1989. Elchin decided to change his major after the service. He left the first higher education incomplete and entered Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC). In addition to his studies in the evening department of the Faculty of Finance and Credit, he started labor activity in bank. Elchin distinguished with his special knowledge and abilities was promoted up to the Deputy Chairman of one of the commercial banks in a short period of time. He voluntarily went to front leaving his study and career incomplete when he was the fifth course student in 1993; participated in the battles in Aghdam. Elchin was killed on January 7 1994 in the battles for Beytepe province of Fizuli region. He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Baku.


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 Ilyas Sultanov

Sultanov Ilyas Mehrali oghlu was born on March 18 1957 in Fizuli region. Ilyas was engaged in classic type of wrestling from the childhood. He became a champion of region and republic for several times. He completed the Fizuli region secondary school named after Khurshidbanu Natavan in 1974 and entered Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade (current UNEC). In 1976 he served in the army in Vladimir province of Moscow. He started the labor activity in Fizuli region after the graduation. After a while he became a Chairman of the Trade Union on Commerce of Fizuli region.

Ilyas was one of the first volunteers of self-defense battalion set up in Fizuli region after the commencement of the territorial claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan. He was appointed a platoon commander of the battalion. He heroically participated in the battles happened in Hoga, Gachar, Govshadli and Yukhari Veyselli provinces of Fizuli region. Ilyas was killed in the battles for Yukhari Veyselli village of Fizuli on August 15 1992. The martyr was buried in the Martyrs’ Alley of Fizuli region.

The secondary school of Yukhari Veyselli province of Fizuli was named after him.


boyukagaBoyukaga Shahverdiyev

Boyukaga Shahverdiyev was born on June 15, 1998 in  Bilasuvar region. Boyukaga Shahverdiyev, originally from Jabrayil, studied at Bilasuvar District Secondary School No. 10. After graduating from secondary school with honors in 2015, he entered the faculty of Economics of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). After graduating from university in 2019, he served in the army.

He joined the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020. Jabrayil took part in the battles for the liberation of Fizuli regions. Boyukaga Shahverdiyev, a mortar, destroyed a large number of enemy forces and equipment. From childhood, due to his love for Karabakh-Jabrail, he studied these areas in depth and applied this knowledge very accurately during the war.

Shahverdiyev Boyukaga heroically died in the battles for Fizuli region on October 8.

He was buried on October 9 in the Alley of Martyrs in Jabrayil settlement of Bilasuvar region.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Fatherland”, “For the release of Jabrayil”, “For the release of Fuzuli”.


ahmedAhmadaga Iskandarov

Ahmadaga Iskandarov was born on September 20, 1989 in the city of Baku. He studied at the secondary school No. 82 in  Nariman Narimonaov district of Baku. In 2007 he entered  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)  majoring  in Management, and in 2011 he successfully graduated from the university.

He was drafted into the army on September 21, 2020. He took part in the liberation of Fizuli, Jabrayil and Khojavend districts. He was wounded in the battles for Jabrayil, and on October 7, he was martyred. He was buried in Kurdakhani cemetery.

After his death, he was awarded the “For the Fatherland”, “For the Liberation of Jabrayil”, and “For the Liberation of Fuzuli” medals.



Agil Mirzaliyev 

Agil Mirzaliyev was born on August 27, 1999 in the Ismayilli region. In 2005-2016 he studied at the secondary school No. 1 named after I. Hasanov in Ismayilli region. During his school years, Agil, who was always distinguished by his intellectual level, repeatedly won national subject Olympiads and knowledge competitions. After graduating from secondary  school with honors in 2016, he scored 613 points in the entrance exam and entered UNEC majoring in  “Accounting and Auditing” . He graduated in 2020 and went to military service.

Agil Mirzaliyev, who served in the Special Forces, was an active participant in the Second Patriotic War, which began on September 27. He fought valiantly in the battles in Murovdagh, Jabrayil, Fizuli and Hadrut. On October 20, 2020, he was heroically killed in heavy fighting in the direction of Tug village of Khojavend region. He was buried on October 23 in the Alley of Martyrs in Ismayilli.

After his death, he was awarded with the “3rd Class Courage” Order, “For the Motherland”, “Courageous Warrior”, “For the Liberation of Kalbajar”, “For the Liberation of Khojavend”, “For the Liberation of Fuzuli” medals.



Mursal Kazimli

Mursal Kazimli was born on July 23, 1992 in the city of Baku. After finishing  secondary  school with honors, in 2010 he entered the faculty of Accounting and Auditing of UNEC with 613 points. He graduated from the university in 2014 as an excellent student. After graduation, he served in the army.

He started his career in 2016 as an accountant at Medical College No. 2.

On September 28, 2020, he was partially mobilized to the military commissariat and then sent to the combat zone. He fought in Fizuli, Jabrayil and Zangilan directions. He was heroically martyred on October 23 in the Kurdish village of Fizuli region.

After his death, he was awarded the 3rd degree “For Service to the Fatherland” order, “For the Fatherland” and “For the Liberation of Fuzuli” medals.



Naib Nametov

Naib Nametov was born on February 11, 1998 in the Kotanarkh village of Agdash. In 2005-2016, he studied at the secondary school No. 47 in the Narimanov district of Baku. In 2016, he entered   Russian School of Economics of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). He graduated in 2020 and went to military service.

He took part in the battles in the direction of Fuzuli and Khojavend in the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020.

He fought heroically in the battles for Fuzuli region and rose to the peak of martyrdom. He was buried on October 3 in Garagan Sadi village of Agdash region.

After his death, he was awarded the 3rd degree “For service to the country”, “Courageous warrior”, “For the country”, “For the liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the liberation of Khojavend” medals.



Suleyman Garayev

Suleyman Garayev was born on July 3, 1995 in the village of Galagayin, Sabirabad region. In 2001-2012 he studied at the secondary school named after M.A. Sabir of Sabirabad region. In 2012, he entered the faculty of Accounting and Auditing of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). After graduating in 2016, he was called  for military service.

In 2016-2017, he served in the army as a sniper shooter  in the Shahbuz region of Nakhchivan AR. On September 27, 2020, he went to the Patriotic War, which was started by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to liberate the territories occupied by Armenia. On October 7, he rose to the peak of martyrdom, showing heroism in the battles for the freedom of Aghdam region. He was buried in his native village of Galagayin, Sabirabad region.

After his death, he was awarded the medal “For the Motherland”.

He was married and had two children.



Asad Asadli

Asad Asadli was born on June 17, 1995 in   Chaygirag village of Masalli. He finished secondary school No. 229 named after National Hero martyr Yuri Kavalyov in Nizami district of Baku.

In 2012, he entered   Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). He was called  for active military service in 2016 and served as a scout in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for a year. He was repeatedly awarded for his exemplary service during his military service.

During the Tovuz events, he applied to the Mobilization Service and registered to join the army voluntarily. On September 29, he was drafted into the army. He joined a group of volunteers formed in Shamkir region. After a short training, the group was sent to the front. Asad’s glorious path during the Great Patriotic War was marked by many heroic deeds. He was not afraid, as a brave warrior, and as a loyal friend, he won the sympathy and respect of his comrades. One of Asad’s greatest heroism was the liberation of 21 wounded soldiers. Thus, during the battles for Khojavend, Asad showed a real example of heroism, destroying the enemy’s tank and dozens of soldiers, and rescuing his besieged comrades from the siege and death. From the first days of the Patriotic War, he inflicted heavy blows on the enemy in Fuzuli and Khojavend. The last battle was on November 9 to defend one of the strategic heights of Khojavend region. Although Asadli released his comrades from the siege, he was martyred.

He was buried in the 2nd Alley of Honors.

After his death, he was awarded the 3rd degree “For Service to the Fatherland” order, “For the Fatherland”, “For Military Services”, “For the Liberation of Khojaven”, “For the Liberation of Fuzuli”, “For the Liberation of Jabrayil” medals.

He was married and had two children.



Anar Garayev

Anar Garayev was born in Almali village of Gakh region. After finishing Almali village secondary school, he entered  the faculty of Economics of  Azerbaijan State University of Economics. He graduated from the university in 2020 with honors.

He started his military service in the military unit “N” of Goranboy region on July 10, 2020, and continued his military service on September 15 in Agdam. On September 27, he left for the Patriotic War, which was started by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to liberate the territories occupied by Armenia. He took an active part in the battles for the freedom of Talysh village and Sugovushan.  He was heroically martyred on October 4 in Sugovushan.

He was buried on October 9 in the Alley of Martyrs in Almali village of Gakh region.

After his death, he was awarded the “For the Fatherland”, “For the liberation of Sugovusha”, and “For the liberation of Aghdam” medals.

The diploma was presented to his family at his grave.



Abil Jabizade

Abil Jabizadeh was born on February 26, 1993 in the city of Sumgayit. In 2000-2011, he studied at secondary school No. 7 in the Jorat settlement of Sumgayit. After finishing with honors, he entered  Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), faculty of Technology and Design, majoring in “Technology and design of highly processed goods.” After graduating in 2015, he went to military service.

He was appointed chief shooter for his excellent handling of weapons. Participating in the April battles, he successfully completed combat missions. He was repeatedly awarded honorary diplomas and letters of appreciation for his heroism in those battles. He completed his military service in October 2016.

On September 21, 2020, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On mobilization training and mobilization””  he was invited to a training and exercise meeting.

He took part in the Patriotic War launched by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on September 27 to liberate the territories occupied by Armenia. He fought for the freedom of Jabrayil and Fuzuli. He showed great courage in liberating Khudafar’s bridge. He was killed on October 14, 2020 while performing a combat mission in the battles in the direction of Zogalbulag village of Khojavend region.

He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Sumgayit.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “For the Motherland”, “For the release of Jabrayil”.



Mikhail Hamidov

Mikhail Hamidov was born on December 18, 1983 in Potsdam, East Germany in a military family. In 1991-1998 he studied at the secondary school No. 278 in the Surakhani district, and in 1998-2001 at the school-lyceum No. 72 in the Sabunchu district. Mikhail Hamidov  entered  Azerbaijan Higher Military Academy  named after Heydar Aliyev in 2001 and graduated in 2005. As a scout, he served in the Special Forces as a “lieutenant” for 4 years. In 2009, he voluntarily resigned from the Azerbaijani Armed Forces with the military rank of “senior lieutenant”. He knew Russian, English and Armenian.

In 2013-2015, he received a master’s degree in “Business Administration” from the MBA program   at   Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). After his discharge from the Azerbaijani Army, he held high positions in several places.

On September 27, 2020, Mikhail Hamidov, a retired senior lieutenant of the Azerbaijani Army, voluntarily went to the Patriotic War. He fought in the battles for Fuzuli’s freedom. He played a special role in taking control of several posts on the Armenian side in the direction of Fizuli region in a short period of time. Mikhail Hamidov, nicknamed “Mikhailo” by his comrades-in-arms in the Great Patriotic War, was killed on October 23 during the battles of Fizuli. He was buried in the 2nd Alley of Honors.

After his death, by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the Order of the 3rd degree “For Service to the Fatherland”, “For the Fatherland”, “For Bravery”, “For the Liberation of Fuzuli”, “90th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1918-2008)” of the Republic of Azerbaijan was awarded with jubilee medals.

He was married and had three children.



Agaami Heybatov

Agaami Heybatov was born on June 6, 1993 in Buzovna settlement. In 2000-2011 he studied at the secondary school No. 125 in Buzovna settlement. In 2002-2007 he studied music at the Children’s Art School No. 4 in Buzovna settlement.

In 2011 he entered Azerbaijan State University of Economics, majoring in “Tourism and Hospitality”. He was awarded a number of certificates for his activity during his student years. After graduating in 2015, he served in the military unit “N” in Ganja. He took part in the battles that took place on April 2-5, 2016.

He fought in the battles in the direction of Murovdag during the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020 by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to liberate the territories occupied by Armenia. He was heroically killed in the battles in the direction of Goranboy region on October 16.

He was buried on October 25 in the Alley of Martyrs in Buzovna settlement.

After his death, he was awarded the medals “Brave fighter”, “For the sake of the country”, “For the liberation of Sugovushan”.



Muhammad Garayev

Muhammad Mahir oglu Garayev was born on November 16, 2001, in Gabala, Azerbaijan. From 2007 to 2018, he attended secondary school No. 4 in Gabala. In 2018, he enrolled at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), where he studied in the Faculty of Business and Management, specializing in “Commerce.” Upon graduation in 2022, he was called to serve in the military.

On May 12, 2023, while fulfilling a combat mission in the direction of Kalbajar, Muhammad Garayev heroically fell in action while countering an Armenian military provocation.



Vidadi Zalov

Vidadi Nizami oglu Zalov was born on July 17, 1985, in the village of Saray, Absheron District. He completed his secondary education at the Azim Muzaffarov No. 2 school in Saray from 1992 to 2003. That same year, he was admitted to the Faculty of Finance at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).

After completing his higher education, he was called to military service. Following his enlistment, he attended the Ministry of Defense’s “Extended Active Military Service” course, rejoining the army upon completion. Zalov served in the Special Forces for nearly four years, where he distinguished himself and was frequently awarded commendations and certificates of appreciation. On June 26, 2018, he received the “100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijani Army (1918-2018)” jubilee medal.

For his bravery during the Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020, he was awarded the “Participant of the Patriotic War” and “For the Liberation of Lachin” medals. Zalov became a martyr on April 11, 2023, while completing a combat mission to counter an Armenian provocation.

He was laid to rest on April 12, 2023, in his birthplace, Saray, Absheron. Posthumously, Zalov was honored with the 3rd Degree “For Distinction in Military Service,” “For the Motherland,” “For the Liberation of Lachin,” and “100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijani Army (1918-2018)” medals.

He is survived by his wife and two children.

Medals and Honors of Martyr Vidadi Zalov.


fərhad fərhadlı 11

Farhad Farhadli

Farhad Vugar oglu Farhadli was born on December 8, 1993, in Sumgayit. From 2001 to 2011, he attended Secondary School No. 12 in Sumgayit. He went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in “Management” from the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry and served in the military during the April 2016 battles. In 2017-2018, he pursued a master’s degree in “Business Administration” at UNEC.

In September 2020, after completing a one-week military training, Farhad joined the Patriotic War, which began on the 27th of that month. He fought courageously in the battles for Fuzuli. On October 20, in the direction of Gejagozlu village in the Fuzuli district, Farhad heroically saved three injured soldiers. Tragically, he fell while attempting to rescue a fourth.

Farhad Farhadlı was laid to rest in the Martyrs’ Alley in Sumgayit. He was posthumously awarded the medals “For the Motherland,” “For the Liberation of Khojavend,” and “For the Liberation of Fuzuli.”

After his passing, Farhad’s master’s diploma was presented to his family in his honor.

Medals and Honors of Martyr Farhad Farhadli. 

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