1 |
Гаджиев Назим Озбек |
Экономика и управление бизнесом |
Доцент |
61.518 |
World Market Price of Oil: Impacting Factors and Forecasting |
Crude Oil Price Forecasting Techniques in the World Market |
Factors Affecting Audit Quality in Corporate Sector |
The Impact of the External Debt to the Economic Growth |
How Oil Price Drops are reflected by Imported Inflation in Azerbaijan? |
The Assessment of Impact of Competitiveness to Economic Development |
Assessment of the Integration Relationships between Science and Education at the Doctoral |
Model of Analysis and Evaluation and Rational Choice of Enterprise Development Strategy |
Building an Innovation Ecosystem in Azerbaijan – on the Basis of the Study of Israeli Practice |
Modelling the Impact of the Solar Activity on Demographic and Economic Indicators |
The Impact of Natural Resource Exploitation on Balanced Development with Modified Reproduction Scheme Based on Supply Chain Management |
2 |
Гасанли Ядулла Гамдулла |
Экономика и управление |
Профессор |
57.065 |
The Assessment of Impact of Competitiveness to Economic Development |
Fuzzy Analysis of Macroeconomic Stability |
Crude Oil Price Forecasting Techniques in the World Market |
World Market Price of Oil: Impacting Factors and Forecasting |
The Impact of the External Debt to the Economic Growth |
Estimation of the Education Influence on the Population Income |
Estimation of Impact of Innovations on the Quality of Tertiary Education |
Modelling the Impact of the Solar Activity on Demographic and Economic Indicators |
Assessment of the Impact of Tourism Sector on the Economy of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran Using Input-Output |
Assessment of Distribution of Examination Points and Passing Scores Scores of Exams Obtained in the Admission to Higher Education Institutions in Azerbaijan |
Assessment of the Integration Relationships between Science and Education at the Doctoral |
The Impact of Natural Resource Exploitation on Balanced Development with Modified Reproduction Scheme Based on Supply Chain Management |
3 |
Бабаева Рена Фикрет |
Физика и химия |
Профессор |
56.770 |
Structural and Optical Properties of Ga2Se3 Crystals by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry |
Electroluminescence of p-GaSe 〈REE〉 Single Crystals |
Peculiarities of Kinetic Coefficients of Single Crystals of a Layered Р-Gase Semiconductor |
Features of the Electron Mobility in the n-InSe Layered Semiconductor |
4 |
Велиев Фазиль Али |
Технологические машины и оборудования |
Профессор |
56.509 |
Influence of Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton On the Mechanics of Feed Rollers in The Cleaners from Small Impurities |
Influence of Storage Duration and Density of Raw Cotton On the Mechanics of the Interaction Process Between Feeding Rollers in The Cleaners of Large Impurities |
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN |
Calculation of Toothed Gear Mechanisms in Machines and Assemblies Considering the Effect of Lubricants |
İnfluence of Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton on the Mechanics of Feed Rollers in the Cleaners from Large Impurities |
5 |
Нуриев Магомедали Нураддин |
Стандартизация и сертификация |
Профессор |
55.090 |
Development of Methods and Tools for Textile Package Structure Control |
Determination of The Size of the Spacer Forces Acting On the Feed Rollers, Taking into Account the Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton |
Elmi əsər |
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN |
Integration of ISO 9001 and Six Sigma in Terms of Continuously Improving Quality Management |
Elmi əsər |
6 |
Мухтаров Шахрияр Захид |
İЭкономика и управление |
Стар./преп. |
49.528 |
Factors that increase credit risk of Azerbaijani banks |
The Impact of Oil Prices on Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan |
The effectiveness of exchange rate channel in Azerbaijan: an empirical analysis |
The Impact of Financial Development on Energy Consumption: Evidence from an Oil-Rich Economy |
The Impact of FDI On Environmental Degradation in Azerbaijan |
The Impact of Government Education Expenditures On Economic Growth: Evidince from Azerbaijan |
7 |
Гаджиев Натиг Гадим |
Регулирование экономики |
Доцент |
42.580 |
The Impact of Oil Factor On Azerbaijan Economy |
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan |
The Research of Investment Factor in Economic Growth |
Oil Factor in Economic Development |
8 |
Гумбатова Сугра Инглаб |
Экономика и управление |
Стар/преп. |
42.465 |
The Impact of Oil Factor on Azerbaijan Economy |
The Research of Investment Factor in Economic Growth |
Oil Factor in Economic Development |
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan |
9 |
Рзаева Ульвия Шахин |
Цифровая экономики и информационно-коммуникационные технологии |
Стар/преп. |
41.803 |
About One Bibliometric Method as a Tool of Big Data Paradigm |
Threats to the Country’s Sustainable Economic Development: A Case Study |
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise |
The Asymmetry of the Global Changes: Asymmetric States of the Developing Countries |
Global Security and Economic Asymmetry: A Comparison of Developed and Developing Countries |
10 |
Сейдалиев Ильхам Магомед |
Стандартизация и сертификация |
Доцент |
40.555 |
The Determination of Accuracy Characteristics Electromechanical Transducer of Movements for Automatic Thickness Control |
Elmi əsər |
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN |
Planning and Forecasting of Quality Management |
11 |
Алиев Хатаи Шахин |
Международная экономика (анг.) |
Стар/преп. |
39.359 |
— The Role Of Social And Physical Infrastructure Spending In Tradable And Non-Tradable Growth |
Testing Wagner’s Law And Keynesian Hypothesis In Selected Post Soviet Countries |
The Curse Of Transfers? Modelling Fiscal Policy Effectiveness In Azerbaijan |
Determinants Of Housing Prices In Baku: Empirical Analyses |
12 |
Гулиева Аида Айдын |
Цифровая экономика и информационно-коммуникационные технологии |
Доцент |
38.607 |
Threats to the Country’s Sustainable Economic Development: A Case Study |
Global Security and Economic Asymmetry: A Comparison of Developed and Developing Countries |
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise |
13 |
Мирзоев Герай Сурхай |
Экспертиза товаров народного потребления |
Доцент |
37.920 |
Quantitative Distribution of the Macrozoobentos of the Offshore Zone of the Azerbaijan Sector of the Southern Caspian Sea |
14 |
Ахундова Парвана Эльман |
Математика |
Стар/преп. |
36.876 |
Inverse Problem of Contact Fracture Mechanics for a Hub of Friction Pair Taking Into Account Thermal Stresses |
Minimization of the Thermal State of the Hub of a Frictional Pair Using the Criterion of Uniform Temperature Distribution on a Friction Surface |
15 |
Ахмедов Фариз Салех |
Экономика и управление |
Доцент |
35.031 |
Научные работы |
Научные работы |
The Evaluation of Small and Medium Enterprises Role in Economic Development of Azerbaijan |
The Impact of Oil Prices of Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan |
16 |
Тагиев Маил Масим |
Физика и химия |
Профессор |
32.933 |
The Impact of Oil Prices of Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan |
Kinetics of the Radiation-Catalytic and Catalytic Decomposition of Water on a Surface of Nano-Zirconium |
17 |
Ахмедов Натиг Каракиши |
Математика |
Профессор |
31.705 |
Analysis of Axisymmetric Problem from the Theory of Elasticity for an Isotropic Cylinder of Small Thickness with Alternating Elasticity Modules |
Asymptotic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Problem of Elasticity Theory for Radially Inhomogeneous Transversally-Isotropic Thin Hollow Spheres |
18 |
Мамедов Орудж Джамиль |
Экономика и управление бизнесом |
Доцент |
30.870 |
Constitutional and Legal Support of Civil Service Relations in the Legislature: Azerbaijani Experience |
19 |
Ханахмедов Нариман Керем |
Экономика и управление |
Стар/преп. |
39.502 |
Composting Analysis of Regulatory Framework of Microfinance Institutions in CIS Countries |
20 |
Гасанов Ниязи Аликрам |
Управление бизнесом |
Доцент |
28.855 |
The Role of Investments in Resolution of Socio-Economic Problems |
21 |
Джавадов Рамиз Джавад |
Экономика |
Доцент |
28.748 |
Road-Building Enterprise in a Risky Environment: Efficiency of Management |
Statistical Analysis of Employment and Unemployment in Azerbaijan |
22 |
Асланов Халиг Махар |
Математика |
Доцент |
27.600 |
On One Class Eigenvalue Problem with Eigenvalue Parameter in the Boundary Condition at One End-Point |
Eigenvalue Problem Associated with the Fourth Order Differential-Operator Equation |
23 |
Fərzəliyev Məzahir Həmzə |
Texnoloji maşınlar və avadanlıqları |
Professor |
27.536 |
24 |
Aşurbəyli -Hüseynova Nigar Pirverdi |
İqtisadiyyat |
Baş müəllim |
27.363 |
Financial Stability Assessment of The Banking Sector on The Basis of Composite Index |
Banking Regulation and The Fiscal Policy in The Economic Development: World and National Experience |
Integration Potential Implementation Models |
The Main Directions of Monetary Support of Macroeconomic Stability in Modern Conditions |
25 |
Axundova Nailə Mubin |
Fizika və kimya |
Dosent |
27.342 |
Electrical Properties of Sn-Excess SnTe Single Crystal And Metal-Semiconductor Contacts |
26 |
Həmidov Həmid İnsaf |
İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə |
Dosent |
27.220 |
The Effectiveness of Exchange Rate Channel in Azerbaijan: An Empirical Analysis |
The Impact of Government Education Expenditures on Economic Growth: Evidence from Azerbaijan |
The New Methods of Human Resources in Azerbaijan Case |
27 |
Əhmədov Əhməd -Cabir İsmayıl |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Dosent |
26.066 |
28 |
Abdullayeva Sevinc |
Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya |
Müəllim |
25.434 |
Optimization of Quality Management of CargoTransportation |
Development of Methods and Tools for Textile Package Structure Control |
29 |
Aslanov Zabit Yunus |
Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya |
Professor |
25.377 |
Integration of CIS Countries’ National Standardization System Into ISO Standards |
Development of Methods And Tools for Textile Package Structure Control |
The Main Directions of Monetary Support of Macroeconomic Stability in Modern Conditions |
30 |
Muradlı Neman |
İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə |
Müəllim |
24.461 |
Managing Contradiction and Sustaining Sustainability in Inter Organizational Networks |
31 |
Əliyeva Təranə Əbülfəz |
Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiyakommunikasiya texnologiyaları |
Dosent |
24.412 |
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise |
Application of Methods of Data Mining in the Educational Process |
About One Bibliometric Method as a Tool of Big Data Paradigm |
32 |
Tanrıverdiyev Səbuhi Miləddin |
İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi |
Baş müəllim |
23.970 |
Interaction of Production Cost, Price and Labor Factors in Increase of Competitiveness in Agrarian Sector of Azerbaijan |
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan |
33 |
Rüstəmov Əli Vaqif |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Müəllim |
23.859 |
Modeling the Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agriculture Sphere: In Case of Azerbaijan |
How Oil Price Drops are Reflected by Imported Inflation in Azerbaijan? |
34 |
Cabbarova Aynur İmran |
Statistika və Ekonometrika |
Dosent |
23.808 |
Statistical Study of International Migration of Population and Labor Resources |
Decision Making in Investment Problem by Using Self-confidence Based Preference Relation |
35 |
Cabbarova Qənirə Zərgər |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Baş müəllim |
23.420 |
Construction of Algorithms to Automatically Determine Individual Indicators when Assessing The Shape Quality of Cross-Wound Packages |
36 |
Quliyeva Fəridə Rahib |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Dosent |
23.384 |
Study of Quality Indicators of the Pumpkin Grown on The Territory of Azerbaijan |
37 |
Quşxani Rauf Nəsir |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
23.174 |
The Current State of The Azerbaijan Republic Budget Policy and The Prospect of Its Improvement |
Banking Regulation and The Fiscal Policy in The Economic Development: World and National Experience |
Predictive Models and Scenarios of Economic Development of The Region |
38 |
Muradov Rəşad Şahbaz |
Biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Professor |
23.172 |
Unemployment and Some Issues of Use of Human Capital |
Study of Human Capital Development, Economic Indicators and Environmental Quality |
39 |
Babayev Azər Alim |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
23.161 |
Transformation of Functions of The Strategic Reserves of Raw Materials in The Conditions of Economic Instability |
Problems of Opportunism of Financial Intermediaries in The Countries with “Transitive” Economy |
Public-Private Partnership: Opportunities and Prospects of Banking Financing |
40 |
Məmmədova Sevda Kərim |
İqtisadiyyat |
Baş müəllim |
22.941 |
41 |
Rzayeva İnara Rza |
Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində) |
Dosent |
22.569 |
Weighted Estimate of Country Risk Using A Fuzzy Method Of Maxmin Convolution |
Transformation of the World Monetary System From The Gold Standard To The Cryptocurrency? |
Two Approaches To Country Risk Evaluation |
42 |
Zeynalova Mehriban Süleyman |
Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya |
Baş müəllim |
22.516 |
Development of Methods And Tools For Textile Package Structure Control |
43 |
Səfərova Təranə Qasım |
Texnoloji maşınlar və avadanlıqları |
Baş müəllim |
22.492 |
Analysis of The Operation Of Traverse Mechanisms With Scattering Devices With The Use Of ASN |
Influence Of Storage Duration And Density Of Raw Cotton On The Mechanics Of The Interaction Process Between Feeding Rollers In The Cleaners Of Large Impurities |
44 |
Teymurova Vüsalə Eynulla |
Statistika və Ekonometrika |
Dosent |
22.473 |
Econometric Analysis Of The Impact Of Human Capital Components On Unemployment |
Analysis Of The Impact Of The Human Capital On Tourism Development In Azerbaijan |
Learning Models Based On A Real Project In Entrepreneurial Education |
45 |
Qubadova Aybəniz Ənvər |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
22.465 |
Financial Stability Assessment Of The Banking Sector On The Basis Of Composite Index |
Banking Regulation And The Fiscal Policy In The Economic Development: World And National Experience |
Problems In The Ensuring Macro-Economic Stability, Fiscal Policy, Provision And Improvement Of Its Accounting And Analytical Challenges In The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
46 |
Məmmədov Elşad Yaqub |
İqtisadiyyat |
Professor |
22.294 |
Directions Of Improvement Of The Investment Mechanism Ensuring The Economy Of The Region With Participation Of The Public-Private Partnership |
47 |
Həsənov Rövşən Şahverdi |
Ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi və iqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
21.246 |
48 |
Aslanlı Araz Azad |
İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə |
Müəllim |
21.234 |
TANAP And TAP As Part Of Azerbaijan’s Energy Strategy |
49 |
Akbulayev Nurhoca Nazirhodzha |
İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə |
Müəllim |
21.146 |
Examining The Role Of Credit Volume On Economic Growth: The Case Of Azerbaijan |
50 |
Rzayev Anar Yaşar |
Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində) |
Dosent |
20.837 |
Strategizing Of The Spatial Development Of The Region Based On The Concept Of “Smart Specialization” |
51 |
Quliyeva Sənubər Abdulla |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Baş müəllim |
20.783 |
Species Composition And Quantitative Distribution Of Larvae Of Dragonflies (Odonata) In The New Ecological Conditions Of The Lake Mehman |
52 |
Həsənli Mirələm Xası |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Professor |
20.402 |
Crises In The Global Financial System: Anti-Crisis Policy — The Stages Of Regulation |
53 |
Hacıyeva Leyla Arif |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
20.394 |
Analysis Of The Impact Of The Human Capital On Tourism Development In Azerbaijan |
Study Of Human Capital Development, Economic Indicators And Environmental Quality |
54 |
Şahbazov Kamil Ağazaman |
Menecment |
Professor |
20.376 |
New Approach to Management Education in the Post-Soviet States |
55 |
Süleymanov Turan Süleyman |
Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində) |
Müəllim |
20.376 |
University Branding In Azerbaijan: Empirical Study of Students’ Choices for Education |
56 |
Əlicanova Şəhla Musa |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Müəllim |
20.270 |
International Experience in Ensuring the Stability of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Their Role in The Azerbaijani Economy |
57 |
Qurbanova Tünzalə Tofiq |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Dosent |
20.131 |
The Elements Of The Mechanism Of Budgetary Regulation And Strategy Of Budget Policy Management |
58 |
Quliyeva Şəfa Tofiq |
Menecment |
Professor |
20.085 |
Manageability of Financial Risks as an Important Factor of Financial Stability |
59 |
Hüseynov Ramil Vəkil |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Müəllim |
20.078 |
The Role Of Financial Control Over Increasing The Efficiency Of Using Budget Funds |
60 |
Rzayev Rafail Zeynal |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Baş müəllim |
20.014 |
Rural Azerbaijan through Quantitative and Qualitative Research Lenses: Debating the Transition to Small Farm Capitalism |
61 |
Məmmədov Məmməd Hümbət |
Menecment |
Dosent |
19.969 |
Terms Of Post-Secondary Education Management |
62 |
Əliyev Məhəmməd Ələkbər |
Biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Dosent |
19.951 |
The Role Of The Business In The Provision Of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development |
63 |
Əliyeva Zənurə Həsrət |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Baş müəllim |
19.936 |
Competitiveness Problems In The Field Of Construction Materials Industry |
64 |
Hüseyn Afaq Camalləddin |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Dosent |
19.879 |
Theoretical And Practical Aspects Of The Participation Of Civil Servants In Decision-Making Affecting Business Activities |
65 |
Hacıyev Hafis Əhməd |
Mühasibat uçotu və audit |
Dosent |
19.867 |
The Role Of A Financial Accounting In Ensuring Economic Security Of An Enterprise |
66 |
Orucova Məlahət Şamil |
Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiyakommunikasiya texnologiyaları |
Dosent |
19.829 |
About One Numerical Algorithm For The Solution Of The Inverse Problem With Respect To Potential |
Numerical Algorithms For Solving The Inverse Problem |
67 |
Qiyasova Zeynəb Həbibağa |
İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi |
Müəllim |
19.825 |
Knowledge-Based Economic Activity And Socioeconomic Development |
68 |
Əzizov Ramis Nəhməd |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
19.757 |
Dominance Improvement Of The Expansion Mechanism Of Azerbaijan Foreign Economic Relations |
69 |
Əhmədov Məhiş Alış |
İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi |
Professor |
19.744 |
Macroeconomic Analysis And Evaluation Of The Transition To The Sustainable Development Strategy Of Azerbaijan |
70 |
Mehdiyeva Leyla Tofiq |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Dosent |
19.683 |
Organization Of The Effective Mechanism Of Individual Income Taxation |
71 |
Ələsgərova Aygün Ağasəlim |
Menecment |
Dosent |
19.638 |
Sustainable Economic Development and Azerbaijan |
72 |
İbrahimov Müslüm Azad |
İqtisadiyyat |
Professor |
19.629 |
Evaluation Of TANAP And TAP Projects Efficiency: “Diversification Of The Gas Supply For The European Union’s Energy Security – Caspian And Central Asian Gas” |
Human Capital Development & Economic Growth: An Empirical Study On Jordan |
On International Experience Of Establishing Growth Poles |
73 |
Mahmudova İlhamə Məhəmmədnəbi |
İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi |
Dosent |
19.483 |
Structural Analysis Of Non-Oil Sector Fields In The Regions Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
74 |
Qəhrəmanova Şəhla Şəki |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Baş müəllim |
19.469 |
The Role of the Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Azerbaijan |
75 |
Nəzərəliyev Sadiq Binyamin |
Nəzəri və praktiki iqtisadiyyat |
Baş müəllim |
19.306 |
The Effective Management Ways Of Economic Stability Of Enterprises |
76 |
Xanlar Zadə Sərvinaz Məmməd Həsən |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
19.298 |
Innovative Processes As A Factor Of Economic Development |
77 |
Məmmədov Zahid Fərrux |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Professor |
19.242 |
Features And Trends In The Development Of The Private Health Financing |
Innovative Approach To Human Capital Management Under Conditions Of Strong Turbulence Of Fourth Industrial Revolution |
78 |
Səmədzadə Elşad Ziyad |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Dosent |
19.197 |
National Wealth Is The Basis Of Sustainable Development |
79 |
Hacıyev Ceyhun Gülməmməd |
İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi |
Baş müəllim |
19.161 |
Mechanisms Of Natural Resource Revenues And Ecological Balance |
80 |
Vəliyeva İradə Hatəm |
Ticarət və gömrük işinin təşkili |
Dosent |
19.147 |
Impact Of Economic Digitization On The Development Of Entrepreneurial Activity |
81 |
Dəmirov Yaşar Rəfael |
İqtisadiyyat |
Baş müəllim |
19.128 |
Main Aspects Of Improving The Financial Sustainability Of The State And The Use Of International Borrowing In The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
82 |
İbadov Elsevər Əlsoltan |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Müəllim |
18.989 |
The Effectiveness Of Exchange Rate Channel In Azerbaijan: An Empirical Analysis |
83 |
Piriyeva Günay Rza |
Humanitar fənlər |
Dosent |
18.982 |
Social Balance As One Of The Key Challenges On The Way To Sustainable Development |
84 |
Şirvanova Təranə Əmirağa |
Beynəlxalq münasibətlər |
Baş müəllim |
18.920 |
How Does Labor Migration Affect The Economies Of Recipient Countries? |
85 |
Bayramlı Qadir Nəzir |
İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə |
Dosemt |
18.893 |
Sustainable Development Of Tourism In Azerbaijan: Current Situation, Problems And Solution |
86 |
Həmidova Lalə Adil |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
18.857 |
Features Of Attracting Foreign Direct Investment To The Industry Of Azerbaijan |
87 |
Məmmədova Sevər Mömin |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Dosent |
18.829 |
What Agricultural Products Can Increase The Country’s Export Potential |
88 |
Axundova Nailə Fariz |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
18.728 |
Issues Concerning Implementation Of The Innovative Development Strategy In The Public Administration System |
89 |
Kərimov Atiq Ehsən |
İqtisadiyyat |
Professor |
18.710 |
Public-Private Partnership: Opportunities And Prospects Of Banking Financing |
International Standards Of Financial Support Stability Of The Banking System |
90 |
Ağayev Səyyad İsaq |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Dosent |
18.698 |
Estimation Of The Influence Of Transportations In Transport Sector To Ecological Pollutions In Azerbaijan |
91 |
Əkbərov Rövşən Məmməd |
İqtisadiyyat |
Dosent |
18.575 |
Fuzzy Set-Theory Analysis Of Deregulations Effects On The National Taxable Capacity |
Modelling The Impact Of The Solar Activity On Demographic And Economic Indicators |
92 |
Babayev Nüsrət Salman |
Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları |
Müəllim |
18.394 |
Priority Directions Of Financing Socio-Economic Development Of Regions In Azerbaijan |
93 |
Əkbərova Sevda Bəkir |
Riyaziyyat |
Dosent |
18.359 |
Analysis Of Axisymmetric Problem From The Theory Of Elasticity For An Isotropic Cylinder Of Small Thickness With Alternating Elasticity Modules |
94 |
Abbasov Alıcan Bayraməli |
Biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Professor |
18.351 |
Academic Entrepreneurship As An Impactor Factor Of Sustainable Economic Development |
95 |
Hüseynov Faiq Tofiq |
İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Müəllim |
18.159 |
Creation Of Ordinary Market Institutions And Potential Of Azerbaijan Economy For Sustainable Development |
96 |
Axundova Nazilə Abdul |
Qida məhsullarının texnologiyası |
Dosent |
18.157 |
97 |
Hüseynova Nigar Lətif |
Biznesin idarə edilməsi |
Baş müəllim |
18.149 |
Advertising Management In Business Strategy Selection |
98 |
Şabanov Sərdar Əhmədiyyə |
Statistika və Ekonometrika |
Dosent |
18.068 |
Assessment Of The Integration Relationships Between Science And Education At The Doctoral |
Assessment Of Distribution Of Examination Points And Passing Scores Of Exams Obtained In The Admission To Higher Education Institutions In Azerbaijan |
Estimation Of İmpact Of Innovations On The Quality Of Tertiary Education |
99 |
Qədimova Natəvan Səfər |
Qida məhsullarının texnologiyası |
Dosent |
18.042 |
100 |
Osmanov Tofiq Ramazan |
İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası |
Dosent |
17.840 |