2020-2021-ci illər UNEC differsial əmək haqqı sistemində ilk “10-luq”da yer tutan professor-müəllim heyətinin elmi əsərləri


2018/2019-cu tədris ilində UNEC Differensial Əmək Haqqı Sistemində
ilk “100-lük”də yer tutan professor-müəllim heyətinin ELMİ ƏSƏRLƏRİ





Yekun bal

1 Hacıyev Nazim Özbəy İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi Dosent   61.518
World Market Price of Oil: Impacting Factors and Forecasting 
Crude Oil Price Forecasting Techniques in the World Market
Factors Affecting Audit Quality in Corporate Sector
The Impact of the External Debt to the Economic Growth
How Oil Price Drops are reflected by Imported Inflation in Azerbaijan?
The Assessment of Impact of Competitiveness to Economic Development
Assessment of the Integration Relationships between Science and Education at the Doctoral
Model of Analysis and Evaluation and Rational Choice of Enterprise Development Strategy
Building an Innovation Ecosystem in Azerbaijan – on the Basis of the Study of Israeli Practice
Modelling the Impact of the Solar Activity on Demographic and Economic Indicators
The Impact of Natural Resource Exploitation on Balanced Development with Modified Reproduction Scheme Based on Supply Chain Management
2 Həsənli Yadulla Həmdulla İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə Professor   57.065
The Assessment of Impact of Competitiveness to Economic Development 
Fuzzy Analysis of Macroeconomic Stability
Crude Oil Price Forecasting Techniques in the World Market
World Market Price of Oil: Impacting Factors and Forecasting
The Impact of the External Debt to the Economic Growth
Estimation of the Education Influence on the Population Income
Estimation of Impact of Innovations on the Quality of Tertiary Education
Modelling the Impact of the Solar Activity on Demographic and Economic Indicators
Assessment of the Impact of Tourism Sector on the Economy of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran Using Input-Output 
Assessment of Distribution of Examination Points and Passing Scores Scores of Exams Obtained in the Admission to Higher Education Institutions in Azerbaijan
Assessment of the Integration Relationships between Science and Education at the Doctoral
The Impact of Natural Resource Exploitation on Balanced Development with Modified Reproduction Scheme Based on Supply Chain Management
3 Babayeva Rəna Fikrət Fizika və kimya Professor   56.770
Structural and Optical Properties of Ga2Se3 Crystals by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Electroluminescence of p-GaSe 〈REE〉 Single Crystals
Peculiarities of Kinetic Coefficients of Single Crystals of a Layered Р-Gase Semiconductor
Features of the Electron Mobility in the n-InSe Layered Semiconductor
4 Vəliyev Fazil Əli Texnoloji maşınlar və avadanlıqları Professor   56.509
Influence of Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton On the Mechanics of Feed Rollers in The Cleaners from Small Impurities
Influence of Storage Duration and Density of Raw Cotton On the Mechanics of the Interaction Process Between Feeding Rollers in The Cleaners of Large Impurities
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN
Calculation of Toothed Gear Mechanisms in Machines and Assemblies Considering the Effect of Lubricants
İnfluence of Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton on the Mechanics of Feed Rollers in the Cleaners from Large Impurities
5 Nuriyev Məhəmmədəli Nurəddin Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya Professor   55.090
Development of Methods and Tools for Textile Package Structure Control
Determination of The Size of the Spacer Forces Acting On the Feed Rollers, Taking into Account the Elastic Characteristics of Raw Cotton
Elmi əsər
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN
Integration of ISO 9001 and Six Sigma in Terms of Continuously Improving Quality Management
Elmi əsər
6 Muxtarov Şəhriyar Zahid İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə Baş müəllim   49.528
Factors that increase credit risk of Azerbaijani banks
The Impact of Oil Prices on Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan
The effectiveness of exchange rate channel in Azerbaijan: an empirical analysis
The Impact of Financial Development on Energy Consumption: Evidence from an Oil-Rich Economy
The Impact of FDI On Environmental Degradation in Azerbaijan
The Impact of Government Education Expenditures On Economic Growth: Evidince from Azerbaijan
7 Hacıyev Natiq Qədim İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi Dosent   42.580
The Impact of Oil Factor On Azerbaijan Economy
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan
The Research of Investment Factor in Economic Growth
Oil Factor in Economic Development
8 Hümbətova Suqra İnqilab İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə Baş müəllim   42.465
The Impact of Oil Factor on Azerbaijan Economy
The Research of Investment Factor in Economic Growth
Oil Factor in Economic Development
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan
9 Rzayeva Ülviyyə Şahin Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiya-kommunikasiya texnologiyaları Baş müəllim   41.803
About One Bibliometric Method as a Tool of Big Data Paradigm
Threats to the Country’s Sustainable Economic Development: A Case Study
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise
The Asymmetry of the Global Changes: Asymmetric States of the Developing Countries
Global Security and Economic Asymmetry: A Comparison of Developed and Developing Countries
10 Seydəliyev İlham Məhəmməd Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya Dosent   40.555
The Determination of Accuracy Characteristics Electromechanical Transducer of Movements for Automatic Thickness Control
Elmi əsər
Analysis of the operation of traverse mechanisms with scattering devices with the use of ASN
Planning and Forecasting of Quality Management
 11  Alıyev Xətai Şahin  Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində)  Baş müəllim  39.359
– The Role Of Social And Physical Infrastructure Spending In Tradable And Non-Tradable Growth
Testing Wagner’s Law And Keynesian Hypothesis In Selected Post Soviet Countries
The Curse Of Transfers? Modelling Fiscal Policy Effectiveness In Azerbaijan
Determinants Of Housing Prices In Baku: Empirical Analyses
12 Quliyeva Aida Aydın Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiyakommunikasiya texnologiyaları  Dosent  38.607
Threats to the Country’s Sustainable Economic Development: A Case Study
Global Security and Economic Asymmetry: A Comparison of Developed and Developing Countries
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise
13 Mirzəyev Gəray Surxay  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Dosent 37.920
Quantitative Distribution of the Macrozoobentos of the Offshore Zone of the Azerbaijan Sector of the Southern Caspian Sea
14 Axundova Pərvanə Elman  Riyaziyyat  Baş müəllim 36.876
Inverse Problem of Contact Fracture Mechanics for a Hub of Friction Pair Taking Into Account Thermal Stresses
Minimization of the Thermal State of the Hub of a Frictional Pair Using the Criterion of Uniform Temperature Distribution on a Friction Surface
15 Əhmədov Fariz Saleh  İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə  Dosent  35.031
Elmi əsər
Elmi əsər
The Evaluation of Small and Medium Enterprises Role in Economic Development of Azerbaijan
The Impact of Oil Prices of Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan
16 Tağıyev Mayıl Məsim  Fizika və kimya  Professor 32.933
The Impact of Oil Prices of Inflation: The Case of Azerbaijan
Kinetics of the Radiation-Catalytic and Catalytic Decomposition of Water on a Surface of Nano-Zirconium
17 Əhmədov Natiq Qarakişi  Riyaziyyat  Professor 31.705
Analysis of Axisymmetric Problem from the Theory of Elasticity for an Isotropic Cylinder of Small Thickness with Alternating Elasticity Modules
Asymptotic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Problem of Elasticity Theory for Radially Inhomogeneous Transversally-Isotropic Thin Hollow Spheres
18 Məmmədov Oruc Cəmil  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 30.870
Constitutional and Legal Support of Civil Service Relations in the Legislature: Azerbaijani Experience
19 Xanəhmədov Nəriman Kərəm  İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə  Baş müəllim 39.502
Composting Analysis of Regulatory Framework of Microfinance Institutions in CIS Countries
20 Həsənov Niyazi Əlikram  Biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 28.855
The Role of Investments in Resolution of Socio-Economic Problems
21 Cavadov Ramiz Cavad  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent  28.748
Road-Building Enterprise in a Risky Environment: Efficiency of Management
Statistical Analysis of Employment and Unemployment in Azerbaijan
22 Aslanov Xaliq Məhər  Riyaziyyat  Dosent 27.600
On One Class Eigenvalue Problem with Eigenvalue Parameter in the Boundary Condition at One End-Point
Eigenvalue Problem Associated with the Fourth Order Differential-Operator Equation
23 Fərzəliyev Məzahir Həmzə  Texnoloji maşınlar və avadanlıqları  Professor 27.536
24 Aşurbəyli -Hüseynova Nigar Pirverdi  İqtisadiyyat  Baş müəllim 27.363
Financial Stability Assessment of The Banking Sector on The Basis of Composite Index
Banking Regulation and The Fiscal Policy in The Economic Development: World and National Experience
Integration Potential Implementation Models
The Main Directions of Monetary Support of Macroeconomic Stability in Modern Conditions
25 Axundova Nailə Mubin  Fizika və kimya  Dosent 27.342
Electrical Properties of Sn-Excess SnTe Single Crystal And Metal-Semiconductor Contacts
26 Həmidov Həmid İnsaf  İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə  Dosent 27.220
The Effectiveness of Exchange Rate Channel in Azerbaijan: An Empirical Analysis
The Impact of Government Education Expenditures on Economic Growth: Evidence from Azerbaijan
The New Methods of Human Resources in Azerbaijan Case
27 Əhmədov Əhməd -Cabir İsmayıl  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Dosent 26.066
 28 Abdullayeva Sevinc  Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya  Müəllim  25.434
Optimization of Quality Management of CargoTransportation
Development of Methods and Tools for Textile Package Structure Control
29 Aslanov Zabit Yunus  Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya  Professor 25.377
Integration of CIS Countries’ National Standardization System Into ISO Standards
Development of Methods And Tools for Textile Package Structure Control
The Main Directions of Monetary Support of Macroeconomic Stability in Modern Conditions
30 Muradlı Neman  İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə  Müəllim 24.461
Managing Contradiction and Sustaining Sustainability in Inter Organizational Networks
31  Əliyeva Təranə Əbülfəz Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiyakommunikasiya texnologiyaları  Dosent 24.412
Bayesian Approach to the Reduction of Information Asymmetry in Enterprise
Application of Methods of Data Mining in the Educational Process
About One Bibliometric Method as a Tool of Big Data Paradigm
32  Tanrıverdiyev Səbuhi Miləddin  İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi  Baş müəllim 23.970
Interaction of Production Cost, Price and Labor Factors in Increase of Competitiveness in Agrarian Sector of Azerbaijan
Analysis of The Oil, Price and Currency Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan
33 Rüstəmov Əli Vaqif  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Müəllim 23.859
Modeling the Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Agriculture Sphere: In Case of Azerbaijan
How Oil Price Drops are Reflected by Imported Inflation in Azerbaijan?
34 Cabbarova Aynur İmran  Statistika və Ekonometrika  Dosent 23.808
Statistical Study of International Migration of Population and Labor Resources
Decision Making in Investment Problem by Using Self-confidence Based Preference Relation
 35 Cabbarova Qənirə Zərgər  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Baş müəllim 23.420
Construction of Algorithms to Automatically Determine Individual Indicators when Assessing The Shape Quality of Cross-Wound Packages
36 Quliyeva Fəridə Rahib  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Dosent 23.384
Study of Quality Indicators of the Pumpkin Grown on The Territory of Azerbaijan
37 Quşxani Rauf Nəsir  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 23.174
The Current State of The Azerbaijan Republic Budget Policy and The Prospect of Its Improvement
Banking Regulation and The Fiscal Policy in The Economic Development: World and National Experience
Predictive Models and Scenarios of Economic Development of The Region
38 Muradov Rəşad Şahbaz  Biznesin idarə edilməsi  Professor 23.172
Unemployment and Some Issues of Use of Human Capital
Study of Human Capital Development, Economic Indicators and Environmental Quality
39 Babayev Azər Alim  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 23.161
Transformation of Functions of The Strategic Reserves of Raw Materials in The Conditions of Economic Instability
Problems of Opportunism of Financial Intermediaries in The Countries with “Transitive” Economy
Public-Private Partnership: Opportunities and Prospects of Banking Financing
40 Məmmədova Sevda Kərim  İqtisadiyyat  Baş müəllim 22.941
41 Rzayeva İnara Rza  Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində)  Dosent 22.569
Weighted Estimate of Country Risk Using A Fuzzy Method Of Maxmin Convolution
Transformation of the World Monetary System From The Gold Standard To The Cryptocurrency?
Two Approaches To Country Risk Evaluation
42 Zeynalova Mehriban Süleyman  Standartlaşdırma və sertifikasiya  Baş müəllim 22.516
Development of Methods And Tools For Textile Package Structure Control
43 Səfərova Təranə Qasım  Texnoloji maşınlar və avadanlıqları  Baş müəllim 22.492
Analysis of The Operation Of Traverse Mechanisms With Scattering Devices With The Use Of ASN
Influence Of Storage Duration And Density Of Raw Cotton On The Mechanics Of The Interaction Process Between Feeding Rollers In The Cleaners Of Large Impurities
44 Teymurova Vüsalə Eynulla  Statistika və Ekonometrika  Dosent 22.473
Econometric Analysis Of The Impact Of Human Capital Components On Unemployment
Analysis Of The Impact Of The Human Capital On Tourism Development In Azerbaijan
Learning Models Based On A Real Project In Entrepreneurial Education
45 Qubadova Aybəniz Ənvər  İqtisadiyyat Dosent 22.465
Financial Stability Assessment Of The Banking Sector On The Basis Of Composite Index
Banking Regulation And The Fiscal Policy In The Economic Development: World And National Experience
Problems In The Ensuring Macro-Economic Stability, Fiscal Policy, Provision And Improvement Of Its Accounting And Analytical Challenges In The Republic Of Azerbaijan
46 Məmmədov Elşad Yaqub  İqtisadiyyat  Professor 22.294
Directions Of Improvement Of The Investment Mechanism Ensuring The Economy Of The Region With Participation Of The Public-Private Partnership
47 Həsənov Rövşən Şahverdi  Ətraf mühitin mühafizəsi və iqtisadiyyat  Dosent 21.246
48 Aslanlı Araz Azad  İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə  Müəllim 21.234
TANAP And TAP As Part Of Azerbaijan’s Energy Strategy
49 Akbulayev Nurhoca Nazirhodzha  İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə  Müəllim 21.146
Examining The Role Of Credit Volume On Economic Growth: The Case Of Azerbaijan
50 Rzayev Anar Yaşar  Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində)  Dosent 20.837
Strategizing Of The Spatial Development Of The Region Based On The Concept Of “Smart Specialization”
51 Quliyeva Sənubər Abdulla   İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Baş müəllim 20.783
Species Composition And Quantitative Distribution Of Larvae Of Dragonflies (Odonata) In The New Ecological Conditions Of The Lake Mehman
52 Həsənli Mirələm Xası  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Professor 20.402
Crises In The Global Financial System: Anti-Crisis Policy – The Stages Of Regulation
53 Hacıyeva Leyla Arif  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 20.394
Analysis Of The Impact Of The Human Capital On Tourism Development In Azerbaijan
Study Of Human Capital Development, Economic Indicators And Environmental Quality
54 Şahbazov Kamil Ağazaman  Menecment  Professor 20.376
New Approach to Management Education in the Post-Soviet States
55 Süleymanov Turan Süleyman  Beynəlxalq İqtisadiyyat (ingilis dilində)  Müəllim 20.376
University Branding In Azerbaijan: Empirical Study of Students’ Choices for Education
56 Əlicanova Şəhla Musa  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Müəllim 20.270
International Experience in Ensuring the Stability of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Their Role in The Azerbaijani Economy
57 Qurbanova Tünzalə Tofiq  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Dosent 20.131
The Elements Of The Mechanism Of Budgetary Regulation And Strategy Of Budget Policy Management
58 Quliyeva Şəfa Tofiq  Menecment  Professor 20.085
Manageability of Financial Risks as an Important Factor of Financial Stability
59 Hüseynov Ramil Vəkil  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Müəllim 20.078
The Role Of Financial Control Over Increasing The Efficiency Of Using Budget Funds
60 Rzayev Rafail Zeynal  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Baş müəllim 20.014
Rural Azerbaijan through Quantitative and Qualitative Research Lenses: Debating the Transition to Small Farm Capitalism
61 Məmmədov Məmməd Hümbət  Menecment  Dosent 19.969
Terms Of Post-Secondary Education Management
62 Əliyev Məhəmməd Ələkbər  Biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 19.951
The Role Of The Business In The Provision Of Sustainable Socio-Economic Development
63 Əliyeva Zənurə Həsrət  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Baş müəllim 19.936
Competitiveness Problems In The Field Of Construction Materials Industry
64 Hüseyn Afaq Camalləddin  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 19.879
Theoretical And Practical Aspects Of The Participation Of Civil Servants In Decision-Making Affecting Business Activities
65 Hacıyev Hafis Əhməd  Mühasibat uçotu və audit  Dosent 19.867
The Role Of A Financial Accounting In Ensuring Economic Security Of An Enterprise
66 Orucova Məlahət Şamil  Rəqəmsal iqtisadiyyat və informasiyakommunikasiya texnologiyaları  Dosent 19.829
About One Numerical Algorithm For The Solution Of The Inverse Problem With Respect To Potential
Numerical Algorithms For Solving The Inverse Problem
67 Qiyasova Zeynəb Həbibağa  İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi  Müəllim 19.825
Knowledge-Based Economic Activity And Socioeconomic Development
68 Əzizov Ramis Nəhməd  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 19.757
Dominance Improvement Of The Expansion Mechanism Of Azerbaijan Foreign Economic Relations
69 Əhmədov Məhiş Alış  İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi  Professor 19.744
Macroeconomic Analysis And Evaluation Of The Transition To The Sustainable Development Strategy Of Azerbaijan
70 Mehdiyeva Leyla Tofiq  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Dosent 19.683
Organization Of The Effective Mechanism Of Individual Income Taxation
71  Ələsgərova Aygün Ağasəlim  Menecment  Dosent 19.638
Sustainable Economic Development and Azerbaijan
72  İbrahimov Müslüm Azad  İqtisadiyyat  Professor 19.629
Evaluation Of TANAP And TAP Projects Efficiency: “Diversification Of The Gas Supply For The European Union’s Energy Security – Caspian And Central Asian Gas”
Human Capital Development & Economic Growth: An Empirical Study On Jordan
On International Experience Of Establishing Growth Poles
73  Mahmudova İlhamə Məhəmmədnəbi İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi  Dosent 19.483
Structural Analysis Of Non-Oil Sector Fields In The Regions Of The Republic Of Azerbaijan
74  Qəhrəmanova Şəhla Şəki  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Baş müəllim 19.469
The Role of the Corporate Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Azerbaijan
75  Nəzərəliyev Sadiq Binyamin  Nəzəri və praktiki iqtisadiyyat  Baş müəllim 19.306
The Effective Management Ways Of Economic Stability Of Enterprises
76  Xanlar Zadə Sərvinaz Məmməd Həsən  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 19.298
Innovative Processes As A Factor Of Economic Development
77  Məmmədov Zahid Fərrux  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Professor 19.242
Features And Trends In The Development Of The Private Health Financing
Innovative Approach To Human Capital Management Under Conditions Of Strong Turbulence Of Fourth Industrial Revolution
78  Səmədzadə Elşad Ziyad  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Dosent 19.197
National Wealth Is The Basis Of Sustainable Development
79  Hacıyev Ceyhun Gülməmməd  İqtisadiyyatın tənzimlənməsi  Baş müəllim 19.161
Mechanisms Of Natural Resource Revenues And Ecological Balance
80  Vəliyeva İradə Hatəm  Ticarət və gömrük işinin təşkili  Dosent 19.147
Impact Of Economic Digitization On The Development Of Entrepreneurial Activity
81  Dəmirov Yaşar Rəfael  İqtisadiyyat  Baş müəllim 19.128
Main Aspects Of Improving The Financial Sustainability Of The State And The Use Of International Borrowing In The Republic Of Azerbaijan
82  İbadov Elsevər Əlsoltan  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Müəllim 18.989
The Effectiveness Of Exchange Rate Channel In Azerbaijan: An Empirical Analysis
83  Piriyeva Günay Rza  Humanitar fənlər  Dosent 18.982
Social Balance As One Of The Key Challenges On The Way To Sustainable Development
84  Şirvanova Təranə Əmirağa  Beynəlxalq münasibətlər  Baş müəllim 18.920
How Does Labor Migration Affect The Economies Of Recipient Countries?
85  Bayramlı Qadir Nəzir  İqtisadiyyat və İşlətmə  Dosemt 18.893
Sustainable Development Of Tourism In Azerbaijan: Current Situation, Problems And Solution
86  Həmidova Lalə Adil  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 18.857
Features Of Attracting Foreign Direct Investment To The Industry Of Azerbaijan
87  Məmmədova Sevər Mömin  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 18.829
What Agricultural Products Can Increase The Country’s Export Potential
88  Axundova Nailə Fariz  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 18.728
Issues Concerning Implementation Of The Innovative Development Strategy In The Public Administration System
89  Kərimov Atiq Ehsən  İqtisadiyyat Professor 18.710
Public-Private Partnership: Opportunities And Prospects Of Banking Financing
International Standards Of Financial Support Stability Of The Banking System
90  Ağayev Səyyad İsaq  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Dosent 18.698
Estimation Of The Influence Of Transportations In Transport Sector To Ecological Pollutions In Azerbaijan
91  Əkbərov Rövşən Məmməd  İqtisadiyyat  Dosent 18.575
Fuzzy Set-Theory Analysis Of Deregulations Effects On The National Taxable Capacity
Modelling The Impact Of The Solar Activity On Demographic And Economic Indicators
92  Babayev Nüsrət Salman  Maliyyə və maliyyə institutları  Müəllim 18.394
Priority Directions Of Financing Socio-Economic Development Of Regions In Azerbaijan
93  Əkbərova Sevda Bəkir  Riyaziyyat  Dosent 18.359
Analysis Of Axisymmetric Problem From The Theory Of Elasticity For An Isotropic Cylinder Of Small Thickness With Alternating Elasticity Modules
94  Abbasov Alıcan Bayraməli  Biznesin idarə edilməsi  Professor 18.351
Academic Entrepreneurship As An Impactor Factor Of Sustainable Economic Development
95  Hüseynov Faiq Tofiq  İqtisadiyyat və biznesin idarə edilməsi  Müəllim 18.159
Creation Of Ordinary Market Institutions And Potential Of Azerbaijan Economy For Sustainable Development
96  Axundova Nazilə Abdul  Qida məhsullarının texnologiyası  Dosent 18.157
97  Hüseynova Nigar Lətif  Biznesin idarə edilməsi  Baş müəllim 18.149
Advertising Management In Business Strategy Selection
98  Şabanov Sərdar Əhmədiyyə  Statistika və Ekonometrika  Dosent 18.068
Assessment Of The Integration Relationships Between Science And Education At The Doctoral
Assessment Of Distribution Of Examination Points And Passing Scores Of Exams Obtained In The Admission To Higher Education Institutions In Azerbaijan
Estimation Of İmpact Of Innovations On The Quality Of Tertiary Education
99  Qədimova Natəvan Səfər  Qida məhsullarının texnologiyası  Dosent 18.042
100  Osmanov Tofiq Ramazan  İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası  Dosent 17.840


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